Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Brandenburg Gate Speech

Speaker’s Relationship with the Audience: The Brandenburg Gate Speech Ronald Reagan, the former president of the United States from 1981 to 1989, spoke in the Brandenburg Gate. Ronald Reagan gave his famous â€Å"Tear Down this Wall† speech in Berlin. Many people in Germany were ready for freedom and others wanted it as well. Many people felt there should be peace within the city. Ronald Reagan wanted to persuade the Soviets and Communists that change and openness was a great thing. Ronald Reagan’s speech was a sort of challenge to Gorbachev, to tear it down as a symbol for increasing freedom. We welcome change and openness; for we believe that freedom and security go together, that the advance of human liberty can only strengthen the cause of world peace.President Ronal Reagan’ speech tried to persuade German people to believe that the unification of Berlin was possible, he achieved this through the use of one main rhetorical tool: the speaker’s re lationship to the audience. This tool used German quotes, the identification of shared ideas, the exaltation of cultural qualities, the distinction of political group, and the classification of groups into a political stream to persuade.Historical Background: The Brandenburg Gate The Brandenburg Gate, was built in 1791. It stands as Berlin’s arch of triumph. From 1961 to 1989 the Berlin Wall blocked the Brandenburg Gate. The wall divided Germany into two zones of ideological contention and political distrust during a time known as the Cold Was. The United States and its allies administrated West Germany; East Germany was under the control of the USSR. West Berlin was administrated by a group of allies, but was closely aligned with West Germany, which had its own government. Easter and Western Germans were denied access through the gate.On the twenty-second of December 1989 after 28 years of division. East and West Berlin were reunified and the gate was reopened. Two years bef ore the Gate was reopened, Ronald Reagan spoke in front of the Brandenburg Gate. In his speech he tried to persuade the German people to believe that the unification of Berlin was possible. He used the â€Å"wall† as a metaphor in describing oppression. Speaker’s relationship with audience through German quotes Ronald Reagan was able to build a relationship with the audience, German people, through the use of German quotes.At the beginning of his speech he communicated how he felt welcomed in Berlin and how there was a connection between him and the place. He said, â€Å"You see, like so many Presidents before me, I come here today because wherever I go, whatever I do: â€Å"I still have a suitcase in Berlin†. Comment that he said the phrase in German alsoThe connection between the place and feelings made possible that the German audience felt that there was a relationship between them and the speaker.It made feel the audience that he could understand for what they were going through at that time. President Ronal Reagan made them feel important showing them by â€Å"I still have a suitcase in Berlin† that he was going to help them to overcome that oppression by tearing down the wall. he’s not going to Moreover, the mention of an important political position like being the president of the United States, demonstrated authority showing them that even though he was in a place where he was a foreigner in Berlin, he still could help them.The importance of Berlin as a place that had politically disputes, and later on, the attribution of some qualities to this place by a foreign actor gave importance to Berlin and encouraged empathy toward German people. Speaker’s relationship with the audience through the identification of shared ideas Having a feeling of unity and understanding, Ronald Reagan moved into a political idea that was well supported by German people given the previous feelings of agreement.He used his speaker re lationship with the audience to propose the concept of a unified Berlin, and then he highlighted this idea in German words: Our gathering today is being broadcast throughout Western Europe and North America. Though the command, â€Å"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall,† was to become the rally cry of western civilization, the wall actually had little to do with President Reagan's purpose. The President was there to market the American way of life.He may have put his vocal emphasis on this now famous demand, but it was the more subtle enticements that President Reagan held out to the unseen listeners, trapped behind that wall, that were the catalysts for its destruction. President Reagan says: â€Å"Today in West Berlin there is the greatest industrial output of any city in Germany busy office blocks, fine homes and apartments, proud avenues, and the spreading lawns of parkland. Where a city's culture seemed to have been destroyed, today there are two great universities, orch estras and an opera, countless theaters, and museums.Where there was want, today there's abundance-food, clothing, automobiles-the wonderful goods of the Ku'damm. † To those on the other side, the east side, it must have sounded like a beautiful world. Those behind the wall were caught in the endless cycle of poverty, and the hunger and anger it generates. Those behind the wall were controlled by a totalitarian government, and brutalized by suppression. It was to these people that President Reagan spoke. They were his targets. Then he continued speaking â€Å"in the West today, we see a free world that has achieved a level of prosperity and well-being unprecedented in all human history.In the Communist world, we see failure. Even today, the Soviet Union still cannot feed itself. After these four decades, then, there stands before the entire world one great and inescapable conclusion: Freedom leads to prosperity. † After he has described the affluence of West Berlin, the President shows a picture of life in the Soviet Union. And that is when he slips in the subtle suggestion that would, most assuredly, occupy the collective consciousness of the oppressed: â€Å"Freedom leads to prosperity. â€Å"Freedom is the product, prosperity the benefit†.Reagan made German people feel that the unification was a German idea; a hope that prevailed in the public opinion even while the political division existed. One Berlin was mainly a German desire, and something that foreign political friends supported. Thus, his ideas as a speaker were sustained because of this link with the audience. He also expressed the relationship through the media. Reagan maintained the German people from the East and West were linked through modern devices of communication and that in spite of ideological contention they were united in hope.All were gathered hoping to see the Brandenburg gate opened and Reagan’s ideas fulfilled. Speaker’s relationship with the audi ence through the exaltation of cultural qualities Emphasizing his relationship with the audience, Reagan asserted that despite the adverse political conditions there were chances to have a unified Berlin. Past political, economic, and cultural recovery opened opportunities to believe that a future unification was possible. He emphasized that the positive attitude of the German people forecasted better political conditions that ultimately would consolidate and unify Germany.From devastation, from utter ruin, you Berliners have, in freedom, rebuilt a city that once again ranks as one of the greatest on earth†¦ Now the Soviets may have had other plans. But my friends, there were a few things the Soviets did not count on: â€Å"Berliner heart, Berliner humor, yes, and a Berliner Schnauze. † The specific mention of German characteristics, associated with cultural behaviors and ideas, like humor, made German people believe that there was a connection between the speaker and th e hopes that he had about Germany. Reagan’s audience saw a normal human being: They saw themselves and friends.The manner, in which he speaks, as friends do, gives the German people a sense of fraternity. President Reagan was the most powerful man on the planet. He was a man that could speak and declare this truth, and he was a man that could encompass genuine humanness: Intimidating and stern to the enemy; relatable, and redeeming to his friends. Although President Reagan was an American, he has the ability to relate to the German people almost by becoming one. His reasons for coming to Germany are not only to perform his job, but for other, more selfish and human reasons.Reagan remarked how Germany was a country that emerged from adverse political, economic, and social conditions and became a productive and competitive nation. In this way, not only did he create a connection between the audience and himself by recognizing their characteristics, he also used this relation to suggest that current present characteristics would change the political conditions of the future. He created a relationship between the audience and himself by suggesting that Germany would pass through unfavorable political conditions.The Conclusion: Evaluating Reagan’s Persuasive Achievement Ronald Reagan persuaded the Germans in 1987 using a principal rhetorical took: the speaker’s relationship with the audience. President Reagan’s speech was greatly successful. Establishing his purpose and duty, becoming the friend to the oppressed and free. He used German expressions that put him in a position of understanding and cooperation with the Germans. He exalted German cultural behaviors, like people’s willingness to work, in orders to gain common ground where political ideas about the unification would have been accepted.He explained how foreign countries supported a future where Eastern and Western Germany coexisted as one. This understanding created a de fined identification of one political group and the possibility of acceptance of the ideas of that group. This group was the West, and Reagan was its speaker; he persuaded people to believe that the unification of Germany was possible. It is difficult to evaluate the exact degree in which Reagan persuaded German people to believe that the Brandenburg Gate would be opened again.

Mimicking Insider Trading

Introduction Much of the field of finance Is focused on creating abnormal returns?that is to say. Returns that are different from what one might expect them to be based on various characteristics of the investment?by identifying so-called â€Å"inefficiencies† in the stock market. Perhaps one of the most well-known strategies for taking advantage of these Inefficiencies, a strategy widely discussed In academic as well as Industry literature, is following the trades of company insiders.In the united States, company insiders are required to report to the SEC any time they engage in a purchase or sale of their rim's stock. Within two business days following the date of the trade. This Information, once reported to the SEC, Is subsequently made available to the public almost immediately, allowing outsiders to see exactly how insiders are trading.When insiders trade based on material non-public information and earn abnormal returns, it is a violation of the strong form of the Effic ient Market Hypothesis, which itself is not backed by any significant emplace evidence, However, If outsiders are able to earn abnormal returns by mimicking Insider trades, this becomes a violation of the ideal-accepted semi-strong form of the Efficient Market Hypothesis, which states that the price of a stock incorporates all publicly available information.The academic literature contains many studies which attempt to generate excess returns by replicating Insider trades, with varying degrees of success. While some early studies (Gaffe 1994, Finery 1996) claimed that outsiders were indeed able to create a small amount of excess returns, a later study by University of Michigan Professor H. Negate Shun concluded that once these trades accounted for transaction costs, the excess returns would be nearly zero. Later studies by Rezone and Zamia (1988).Line and Howe (1990) and Frederica, Gregory, Mahatma and Tones (2002) have also reaffirmed that transaction costs depleted all the excess returns from these studies. (1)On the other hand, several studies conclude that it is possible to earn excess returns by applying a â€Å"mimicking strategy' selectively. For example, Lakefronts and Lee (2001) conclude that if an investor mimics only large trades and only by the top management of a company (excluding board members, majority shareholders and other company employees), an outsider could in fact generate excess returns.Other theories suggest that It Is possible to successfully replicate Insiders trades by using the strategy in markets outside the US, such as in the Italian, German and Spanish markets. [l] A critical factor in determining whether an outsider will profit from replicating the trade of an insider is the motivation behind the trade. Insiders are likely to engage In Insider trades for a number of reasons, not all of them connected to Inside Information on future firm performance. An Inside trade that Is ambulated by liquidity or diversification needs is unli kely to contain any â€Å"predictive power and exult in any abnormal return for an outsider.While it's relatively obvious that the Insider's motivation In making an Inside trade Is a key factor in determining how successful the outsider's mimicking trades will be, existing academic literature has, for the most part, been unable to take advantage of this factor to increase returns on test portfolios. Were outsiders able to identify the motivation behind the insider's it might become possible to create a portfolio of performance-predicting trades, which would generate abnormal returns. In a 2007 paper entitled â€Å"Decoding Inside Information†, (Cohen et al.Harvard University and University of Toronto professors test an innovative and original approach to mimicking insider trades. By using a simple algorithm, the strategy attempts to separate insider traders into two categories: opportunistic traders and routine traders. Specifically, the algorithm involves analyzing the past three years of an insider's trading history, and identifying as routine traders those who had made inside trades in the same calendar month for three consecutive years. The remaining insiders, approximately, 45% of Cohen et al. ‘s sample, is identified as opportunistic traders.Insiders without three years of trading story are discarded from the sample entirely. Cohen et al. Test whether the trades made by these â€Å"opportunistic traders† contain any predictive power relating to firm performance, and how the trades of â€Å"routine traders† perform in comparison. Methodology In order to test the efficacy of this strategy, the authors construct four test portfolios at the end of month t, comprised of month it's: a) Opportunistic buys b) Opportunistic sells c) Routine buys d) Routine sells At the end of each month, the portfolios are rebalanced to reflect the routine and opportunistic inside trades and buys in that month.The objective of using these oratorios is to test whether or not there is any added value in separating routine traders from opportunistic traders, using the algorithm designed by the authors. In other words, the study tests whether following only those insiders identified by the algorithm as â€Å"opportunistic† could yield a positive alpha, and how this compares to the returns of the â€Å"routine trader† portfolios. As noted above, the SEC requires insiders to report transactions within two business days following the trade (prior to the enactment of Serbians-Solely in 2002, insiders had until the 10th day of the following month to report the trade).In the sample used by Cohen et al. , nearly all of the trades were reported on the day on which the insider made the trade. (2) As such, by the time the portfolios are rebalanced at the end of each month, information on these inside trades would have been publicly available knowledge. Nonetheless, it is important to consider the potential implications of this on the results of the strategy. Predictive Ability of Routine vs. Opportunistic Trades In order to determine whether the â€Å"opportunistic† traders, as defined by Cohen et al. s algorithm, actually contain any predictive power, the authors run pooled aggressions of returns on indicators of routine and opportunistic trades in the prior month, with future one-month returns as the dependent variable. The findings reveal that both the buy and sell opportunistic trades contained much greater predictive power than routine buys and sells. The results reveal that opportunistic buys yield average returns 0. 90 basis points (with a t-statistic of 4. 46), 76 basis points higher than that of routine buys. With a p-value of 0. %, the difference is significant. It is much better indicator than considering all insider buys. Testing opportunistic versus outing sells exhibits similar results, with a coefficient of -0. 78 in the regression of opportunistic sells, and 0. 04 in the regression of routine sells. The difference is again significant with a p-value of 0% (F=29. 30). See Table 1 in Appendix for full results. Alpha The authors test for the presence of abnormal returns using several different asset pricing models, including the CAMP and the Fame-French model, as well as others.While the tests use two different types of portfolios, one value-weighted and one equally weighted, the findings are similar and the results below will therefore focus only on the equally-weighted portfolio. In the case of opportunistic versus routine buys, the results indicate monthly CAMP alphas of 1. 51% (with a t-ratio of 5. 89 and p- value The results indicate that longing opportunistic buys, and shorting opportunistic sells could yield significant excess returns. An equally-weighted portfolio of opportunistic buys and sells yields a monthly CAMP alpha of 1. 81%, and a monthly Fame-French alpha of 1. 41%, with respective t-ratios of 5. 6 and 5. 04. Based on these results, it is evident that by separating routine and opportunistic trades from trades motivated by liquidity and diversification needs, and following only the former, outsiders may be able to significantly outperform the market. Distribution of Returns While the study by Cohen et al. Goes not provide much information on the characteristics of the distribution of returns on the various portfolios used in their study, looking at other sources which study insider trading strategies may provide some insight into this issue. This information is highly relevant to risk-averse investors, to whom the probability of losses may be as important as the expected return. In Investment Intelligence from Insider Trading, H. Negate Shun finds that the probability of loss (defined as earning lower returns than an investment in the market portfolio) on a single mimicking transaction is 49. %, excluding transaction costs, and 51 . 7% when transaction costs are taken into account. (3). When combined with the study findings o n average return, which falls in the 2-3% depending on the minor variations in the study various tests of the strategy, the approximate 50-50 arability of loss indicates a positive-skewed distribution. As such an investor must mimic a large number of insider trades in order to earn returns near the average of 2-3% in Shunt's findings. While the relatively high probability of losses may seem risk averse investors, as it indicates a smaller probability of extreme negative losses.Although there are substantial differences between Cohen et al. ‘s study and Shunt's study?likely the most important of which is that Shun does not differentiate between routine and opportunistic insiders as Cohen et al. Do?the results from Shunt's study may be an indication that the distribution of Cohen et al. ‘s results are positive-skewed as well. Indeed, it is likely that following only opportunistic traders would both reduce the probability of extreme negative losses, as well as increase the probability of extreme positive gains, thereby resulting in an even further positive- skewed distribution.In addition, the high probability of loss illustrated in Shunt's findings would likely also be reduced when following only opportunistic traders. Trading Costs and Refinancing Because this strategy involves relatively active trading, its costs (commission fees and id-ask spreads) will undoubtedly be higher than those of a buy and hold strategy. That said, when the strategy is applied selectively, as is the case in the Cohen et al. Study (I. E. By mimicking only opportunistic insiders rather than all insiders) trading costs can be significantly reduced.In Cohen et al. ‘s study, the test portfolios are rebalanced at the end of every month, based on that month's opportunistic insider trades. In both the opportunistic sell and opportunistic buy portfolios, outsiders would be able to profit by shorting and buying, respectively, holding for a month, and balancing at the end of e very month. Monthly refinancing requires immediacy, and the stocks would need to be purchased and sold using market orders. The outsider would thus incur the additional costs off larger bid-ask spread.Outsiders may potentially be able to rebalanced less frequently, submitting limit orders instead of market orders, holding on to the stocks for longer periods of time, and still profit. According to Shunt's findings,(4) in the case of an â€Å"insider buy', the profits are realized over the course of several months. (5) As such, the outsider may be able to educe refinancing to twice a year, and hold on to â€Å"insider buy' stocks for 6 months. In this case, the outsider could likely afford to submit a limit buy order and wait a few days before it executes.However, this does not apply in the case of an â€Å"insider sell†, as there is no evidence to indicate that these profits are realized over a period of many months. As such, monthly refinancing it necessary. Barriers to Imp lementation In reality, while the strategy would certainly not be difficult to follow for an institutional investor or a sophisticated individual investor, it would perhaps present mom challenges for the average investor. In Investment Intelligence from Insider Trading, Shun advises that an investor mimic close to 100 insiders, in order to reduce the probability of loss to an acceptable level. 6) Granted, applying this to a strategy which differentiates between opportunistic and routine traders would likely require an outsider to follow a smaller number of insiders in order to obtain a reasonably limited probability of loss. Another potential barrier for the average investor is differentiating between routine and opportunistic traders. While Cohen et al. Ere able to accomplish this, as would institutional and sophisticated investors, it resources to successfully differentiate between the two types of insiders.While these issues may not be particularly large obstacles, they do presen t additional considerations and challenges for the individual investor. Insider Trading and Serbians-Solely An interesting point to consider is the impact of changing SEC reporting regulations on an outsider's ability to profit from following insider trades. A Stanford University study (Zealand 2005)(6) tested the success of a generic â€Å"mimicking strategy' in the ears leading up to Serbians-Solely, versus the success of the strategy in the years following the enactment of the new legislation.The study found that in the first 27 months, it was possible to generate excess returns of up to 17. 67%, including trading costs. After this period, however, it was no longer possible to obtain these returns, likely because the market had fully adjusted to this new source of public information. Looking forward, it is possible that any further changes in SEC regulation make information more readily accessible with a smaller delay, will present investors with another opportunity to earn addi tional returns before the market is able to react.Strategy Comparison While Cohen et al. Are the first to attempt to generate excess returns by differentiating specifically between routine and opportunistic traders, a number of studies in the academic literature have sought to increase returns from following insider trading by applying the strategy in various other selective ways. Although the â€Å"routine vs.. Opportunistic† strategy appears to be the most successful thus far, several other versions of the strategy have also managed to create excess returns.A duty conducted in Sweden (Ayatollah and El-Marin, 2005) reveals that replicating insider trades of stocks listed on the A-List and Attract 40 (the Swedish stock indices reserved for larger companies with significant operating history) does not generate abnormal returns at a significant level. On the other hand, replicating buy transactions of â€Å"insider clusters† (multiple firm insiders making similar trades in the same time period) of firms trading on the O-list (designated for companies which lack the requisite operating history or size for listing on the more established lists) could generate abnormal returns up to 33. , excluding transaction costs. By selectively applying a mimicking strategy to smaller companies rather than larger ones, to buy transactions rather than sell transactions, and to insider clusters (numerous firm insiders making same-type trades in a given period of time) rather to individual investors,(7) an outsider may be able to generate excess returns. The study conducted by Shun, which examines 60,000 insider transactions on the NYSE from 1975-1981, reveals similar results. Over the course of 100 days, the buy transactions exhibited excess returns of 3%, while the sell transactions underperformed the racket by 1 . %. In other words, an outsider may have been able to profit by going long â€Å"inside buys†, but not by shorting â€Å"inside sells†. He also found that there has been a greater amount of uninformative sell transactions that have taken place in the ass, compared to the ass-ass(8), it could be that since sass, the amount and frequency of stock compensations has greatly and continuously increased,(9),thus it into routines and opportunistic you would be able to keep the informative transactions and be less affect by this tendency.Shunt's results also indicate that placating insider trades in smaller firms generated higher excess returns than insider trades in larger firms. (10) It may be easier to generate excess returns by replicating insider trades in smaller firms, because these insiders are typically subjected to less scrutiny by analysts and by the media than their counterparts in larger firms. As such, they may be more willing to engage in profitable, â€Å"performance- predicting† trades than insiders at larger firms. However, it's also possible that these trades generate higher expected returns simply bec ause they have increased risk.In order to compensate investors for this risk, investments in smaller firms can be expected to generate higher returns, as reflected in the Fame French model. Similar to the Swedish study, a study conducted by Jenny et al. (1999) (7) also found replicating insider cluster transactions to be more profitable than replicating individual insider transactions. The rationale behind this?that same-type transactions from multiple firm insiders within a given period is likely motivated by insider knowledge rather than by investor-specific needs–is fairly obvious. 11) Cohen at al. Observe similar results in Decoding Inside Information. The study findings indicate that a one- standard deviation increase in the log number of opportunistic sells translates into a decrease in future returns of 29 basis points per month (excluding the specific days each year when firm executives receive stock compensation and subsequently liquidate some of their stake in the f irm). (12) By differentiating between routine and opportunistic traders as Cohen et al. O, outsiders can avoid these routine sells, and mimic only informative inside clusters. Looking Forward Although Cohen et al. And others have illustrated various ways in which outsiders ay be able to generate excess returns by mimicking insider trades, several potential obstacles may stand in the way of this strategy in the future. As with any market inefficiency, increased popularity of the strategy as well as increased accessibility to information on insider trades may cause a decline in future returns.Today, there are already a multitude of web sites that allow outsiders to track insider trades, making information about such trades readily accessible to the average investor. As a growing number of outsiders attempt to replicate these trades, it is likely that it will come increasingly difficult for investors to mimic trades in time to capture any gains. Another potential threat to this strateg y is the proliferation of endowment assurances, which firm insiders use to take advantage of offshore solutions in order to hide their transactions. Insiders are therefore able to trade stocks and derivatives of companies â€Å"anonymously', and avoid reporting insider trades to regulators. This would obviously prohibit outsiders from gaining access to and mimicking insider trades. (13) Lastly, increased penalties for insider trading could also threaten the success of the strategy. Cohen et al. How that during periods with increased cases of investors being prosecuted for insider trading, the number of trades identified as â€Å"opportunistic† decrease. In other words, insiders take seriously the risk of being caught and charged.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Why World Cinema Is an Important Topic to Study

WhyWhy world Cinema is an important topic to study? Third Cinema is a very different topic to the rest of the syllabus topics; this will allow us to broaden our viewing range and develop our own film interest. Popular Hollywood films are usually number one choice, when it comes to choosing films as there is a limited number of choice and verity within the small section provided that under world cinema.Unless you have knowledge in the industry and about the films you are searching for, it becomes a challenge to find something suitable for your interests. Studying ‘Global Cinema’ will expand our knowledge on the 10% of films that do not fall under that category of Hollywood films. Although Hollywood films have a much higher success rate, it will not always have a new creative plot or narrative. Similar article: Pestle Analysis for Odeon CinemaWhere-as world cinema films challenges Hollywood films within creativity by exploring different structures etc. Although there are some difficulties we will face whilst trying to study specific films such as the language barrier, variations in culture, different sense of humour and sometimes words, sayings or puns will be lost in translation. However we will be able to gain information about various cultures and country of origin and their industries, different ways techniques and styles of films.There is no such thing as a typical world cinema film, as it is a collective term used for all manner of films from different national cinema and therefore there a wide range of genre within world cinema to be explored to be able to suit various interests. World cinema is unique and differs from predictable mass culture. Which is often something neglected, undervalued or misunderstood as Hollywood has ‘power’ when it comes to the film industry therefore films from around the world have categorised by the fact they are not Hollywood films rather than genre based.Hollywood films often have similar plot points or nothing ‘new’ about their style of films. There are some national cinema films which have been remade by Hollywood. A classic example of ‘Hollywood remakes’ is the original Internal Affairs (1990, Mike Figgis) this film was an initial success within its origin country however it became a global success after Hollywood remade this film with an all-star cast, produced by Brad Pitt.In conclusion it is important to study world cinema films is to be able to expand our knowledge as it is often not discussed. Hollywood films do not always provide us with unique creative films that challenges against the conventional way in which film is portrayed through Hollywood. This will give us a new film experience whilst learning about new culture and the country of origin.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Glasgow City Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Glasgow City - Essay Example Glasgow in itself is an old city and we trace its origin back in the 12th century  (Slack, 2004). The city has transformed itself from a poor city to a more beautiful city and as a tourist destination. Glasgow tourism strategy 2016 provides the city’s outline and ambitious plan for the decade long development of Scotland’s tourist industry. According to this strategy, the city expects 4 million visitors every year before 2016. This is in accordance with global projections which estimate a growth by 4% every year in the tourism sector. Economically, this would prove advantageous as the city will earn averagely  £ 1 billion every year. With all this projections it is now evident that the win for the bid is in line with its tourism strategy. This is because the event is likely to bring millions of people from all over the world to participate in the event in one way or the other. It is important to understand that a country with good tourist destination has high chance s of hosting some of the world’s major sporting events. It is argued that besides sporting, there is need to promote cultural interaction and economic development  (Tomlinson, 2005). Apart from gaining economically in sports, the host nation is also supposed to earn from tourism. This was one factor that ensured Glasgow city won the bid. The city hosted the 1988 Garden Festival and won the European City of Culture (ECoC) title in 1990  (Weiler, 2004). In addition to this the City also boasts of Glasgow Royal Concert Hall and a Gallery of modern art which was opened in 1996. The gallery of modern art now holds the title of UK City of Architecture and Design. All this fit in the city’s strategy and the games will only help in emphasizing more on cultural value and promote tourism. Glasgow city also boasts of hosting the UEFA Champions League Final in 2002 one of the most prestigious soccer event in the world   (Glanville, 2012). Moreover, the city collected their E uropean Capital of Sport title in 2003 something that made them host the UEFA Cup Final in 2007  (Woods, 2007).. Besides the good sporting reputation the tourism industry in the city has been rebranding itself. Major brands like ‘Glasgow Scotland with Style’ and ‘safe pair of hand’ have been key in ensuring that the country host major sporting and cultural events. Besides this, the long term strategies such as infrastructure investment, civic engagement and unwavering belief has helped the country to attract many tourists in the city. All these are important in ensuring that the country promotes its tourism industry and this fits with the strategy of Glasgow city.  

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Organised Crime and Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Organised Crime and Terrorism - Essay Example It was not long ago that airliners were not allowing people on board who carried toothpaste with them because of the fear that some explosive elements might be contained therein. The same case applies to other ordinary things like clothing. Today there are mandatory strip searches at airports to sniff out even the most hidden explosive or weapon before it gets into the plane. Even shoes and other ordinary things, considering the Reid case, have been used in an attempt to cause terror. Of course in this case it was a shoe bomb. As the terrorists have become adept with their clandestine activities, so have countries and especially security agencies. They have introduced sweeping measures like surveillance on suspicious targets, wiretapping of mobile phones belonging to suspects among other measures. In general, the focus of governments has moved from its previous reactive state to a more pro-active state where the gathering of intelligence is the new battleground between these two foes . These and many others shall be the focus of this paper. There shall be a special focus on the U.K and the legislative options that have been introduced to sniff out this new threat (Campbell 2013). There has been wide ranging legislation that has been introduced in the United kingdom to curb terrorism and organized crime, both of which are very much evolving situations. The rate at which such legislation has been introduced, not only tells of the severity of these crimes but also the extent to which the government is ready to go to ensure that the citizens are safe. Since the Blair premiership the laws that have been introduced include the Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001, the Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005, the Terrorism Act 2006 and the Counter- Terrorism Act 2008. This flood of legislation is a reflection of the speed at which this threat is evolving (Hanman 2013). Governments have had to put in place, at times controversial measures to ensure that no terrorist slips through the dragnet. One of these controversial measures is wiretapping. Basically, the police are allowed to listen in on conversations of people that they suspect to have intentions of causing ter ror or any other harm on great scale (Barrett 2013). There has been an assessment of the role and effectiveness of wiretapping in the wake of several terror related activities. This form of intelligence gathering has been found to be very effective. There are several ‘wanna-be’ terrorists in the U.K. Most of them are Muslims of Pakistani origin. Several of them make multiple trips to their native countries to receive training mostly offered by Al-Qaeda, the Taliban among other groups. The credentials of wiretapping therefore are not what is under debate here. There are much more serious issues (The Guardian 19th march 2009). As a case officer, I would recommend wiretapping so as to obtain even more information about these terrorist sympathizers and their intentions. We already have the mobile number (07097911156) of Hector from the from Tinkers mobile phone. Wiretapping is allowed under the anti-terrorism laws as a last ditch measure to ensure national security. The onl y grey area as pertains its use is the fact that until very recently, information obtained thus was not admissible in court (The Guardian 6th February 2008). By listening in on conversations by Hector there is a great likelihood that we shall get even

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Financial Markets and Institutions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Financial Markets and Institutions - Assignment Example The basic foundation of a central bank serving as a lender of last resort is that in an economy, panics can occur which leads to bank runs. In such a situation, those maintaining deposits in commercial banks withdraw their funds from the bank as a result of economic speculation or fear over negative economic consequences. During a bank run, commercial banks can become insolvent, requiring the assistance of an institution (the central bank) to ensure that banks maintain liquidity is such a phenomenon occurs. Being the lender of last resort has become controversial, especially considering events during the recent global economic recession where many central banks injected capital into banks that were facing insolvency. Over-reliance on the central bank impacts other sectors in an economy. This essay explores the role of the central bank, emphasising why being a lender of last resort maintains many controversial implications from multiple perspectives. Evidence is that the controversy hails from irresponsible banking management and from poor fiscal policy developments concocted by the central bank itself. Central banks supply liquidity insurance to the commercial banking system which consequently endows liquidity insurance to other aspects of an economy, including corporations. Funds available for this action in a central bank encompasses notes held by public investors and reserves (deposits) sustained by a nation’s banks. These funds are manifested by the central bank as a result of autonomous will assuring that its value is comparable to products and services value in the economy. It is through these activities that an economy achieves macroeconomic stability. Concurrently, the central bank mandates the reserves that must be held by banks to insulate them from potential bank runs. Therefore, the central bank guarantees that commercial banks meet stringent standards of ensuring solvency. However, in 2007, many commercial

Friday, July 26, 2019

Art and Creativity how they affects to the world Essay

Art and Creativity how they affects to the world - Essay Example Tentative Thesis: While oftentimes art and creativity are regarded as elements of existence that are cursory or secondary importance, it’s clear this is a falsehood. This research examination considers the ways that art and creativity are central aspects of contemporary existence. This text examines the important connection between art and commerce. It has a number of notable points that reflect the nature of art as crucial to individual development and a central element, not only in aspects of human development, but also business, entertainment, and overall innovation. The essay will consider this source for its points on the importance of art and human development. This text considers the importance of arts in the public schools. It argues that art improves students’ long-term success and aids them in comprehending outside subjects. The research essay will implement both these points in the research. This text argues that regions that have successfully developed economic regions have done so through cultivating an innovative ‘creative class.’ In these regards, it considers the central importance of creativity in business. The research essay will consider this source in terms of its indication of the importance of art on economic development. This text considers the importance of art in schools. It argues that in addition to improving student success, it improves the overall standing of the school. The research essay will consider this source in relation to the importance art plays on student achievement. This text examines the importance art in human development. Gardner argues that art contributes centrally to an individual’s ability to comprehend new concepts. This essay will consider this source in relation to the indications it makes in regards to art and human development. This text considers the nature of innovation and the business environment. It argues that creativity is a core element

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Virtual Tour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Virtual Tour - Essay Example French Baroque did not follow the same deigns as did its Italian counterparts. This was evident when Louis XIV held the opinion that the Baroque as it was practiced in Italy was not in French taste. He proved it by rejected Bernini's famous proposal for redesigning the Louvre. Thus, the Palace of Versailles proves to be an ardent display of this new classicism which seeped into the traditional Baroque form. It began construction under Louis XIV who aimed to use propaganda and art to glorify the French. The Marble Court, Garden Faà §ade and Hamlet of Marie Antoinette are just a few building that followed this kind of architecture under Louis XIV’s rule. Versailles was chosen as the fixed housing of the sovereign kings in 1682, two years after its completion. It began an ardent display of Baroque architecture which represented a world of civilization and pleasure. A magnificent Hall of Mirrors reflects this form of Baroque art as it allowed the king to bestow his power. Coupled with this were various salons. Amongst them was the Salon of Hercules which was decorated with beautiful ceiling fresco paintings. The Salon of Abundance was similar in its design as a Baroque piece of architecture. This classical form of architecture was further complemented by the construction of extensive gardens which surrounded the area. The Hampton Court in England plays its role as a palace for King Henry the VIII. However, at the end of his reign he was replaced by various Kings and Queens who continued to live. in his lavish apartments. It was during the reign of William and Mary that Sir Christopher Wren was given a commission to redesign the lavish palace. He rebuilt them using a beautiful Baroque style which is prevalent even today. The work done by Sir Wren is evident in the East Front and South Front of the Court. The magnificent East and South fronts were constructed in red brick with Portland stone carvings. The structure's forms were intended to rival Louis XIV's r ebuilding of Versailles. This building too possesses displays of strength and power to glorify the force of England. Similar to the Versailles it has a great stone centre piece, the focal point for the design of the East Front. This is surmounted by a massive pediment containing Caius Gabriel Cibber's relief of Hercules triumphing over Envy. Along with

Targeted Messaging Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Targeted Messaging - Essay Example )Based on this assumption, if we analyze the messages of these two magazines, they are more titled towards women prima facie however; underlying themes or objectives of these messages are based on attracting men and playing with their psychology. Studies indicate that media messages flashed across to the target audience help gender related activities to become prominent. A study based on women indicated that women even learn before their marriage, the overall mechanics of the wedding and how this is going to affect them. (Daws, 2009). This clearly indicates that media plays significant role in shaping the personal identity in relation with the messages portrayed regarding gender roles. My own personal identity, if viewed within the perspective of the advertisements and messages depicted in both the magazines, therefore is largely shaped by the way I am portrayed i.e. as the way how my gender is portrayed within these messages. They tend to reinforce my personal identity because it allows me to view myself as a person with diverse range of abilities with strong appeal to attract my opposite sex. Daws, L. , 2009-11-11 "It’s Just One Day: Engaged Women’s Sense-making of Media Messages about Weddings"Â  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the NCA 95th Annual Convention, Chicago Hilton & Towers, Chicago, IL Online . 2010-07-29 from

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

IT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

IT - Essay Example Its terms and conditions of service, data use and cookie use policy can be estimated to be about 14, 000 words which run over eight pages. Even for a fast reader, this would take one about two hours to go through all the pages. This could be an associating factor as to why most users simply agree to the terms without agreeing to them, not knowing exactly what right they are handing over to Facebook. In order to ensure customer satisfaction, Facebook could try to edit their terms and conditions to a page or so. At least then, there is a chance of someone actually reading the terms before accepting them unknowingly. Definitively for photos and personal videos uploaded to the site, Facebook has the right to use this content any way they see fit according to the terms and conditions. If people actually knew this, what are the chances that they would probably not upload so many personal photos and videos of themselves online? In addition, the terms state that Facebook can hand over its rights over the user’s content to another organization if needed. Ethically users need to understand how these companies intend to use the content handed over to them and have a say in whether or not it is okay if the organizations have access to this information. Furthermore, the terms and conditions stipulate that eve on deletion or deactivation on a users account, Facebook’s licence over the user’s content shall only come to a cessation in a situation where all of their friends also delete their accounts. The possibility of this ever occurring is next to impossible, which in a way is Facebook taking advantage of user’s negligence (Gopalsamy, 2009). Google is not so popular when one thinks of social networking. It is not hard to imagine that Google+ is probably not the first place where most Google users agreed to their terms and conditions of service. Most users almost certainly signed up through one of Google’s

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

American Spending Patterns Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

American Spending Patterns - Research Paper Example These changes are often triggered by major life events, some of these life events include getting a job, getting married, having children or retirement. Our analysis of spending matters should focus on the following groups of American people College Kids Young Married Couples Families with young children Families with teenagers Older couples whose children have moved out Retirees We will also examine the impact hard financial times have had on the spending patterns of Americans. The rising uncertainty and increasing unemployment has likely has a significant impact and we shall analyze its ramifications in the concluding pages of this report to ensure that a broad and all inclusive picture is provided. Reference Person Factor: It is intriguing to note that 26% of the nation’s consumer units have a reference person under the age of 35, and they constitute around 23% of the annual consumer spending. In contrast, households headed by people aged 65 or above constitute only 15 perc ent of the annual spending despite making up 20% of the total households. Households that are led by individuals aged between 35 and 64 constitute 53 percent of the population and account for 63 percent of the annual consumer spending. College Kids Spending Habits: College spending is influenced significantly by branding (McCullough). Brands are a major part of the conscious and subconscious decision making process of young college kids. This behavior is largely a result of an inclination towards impressing peers and creating a lasting impact. The state of the young American mindset can be summarized by their penchant towards branded jeans, so much so that they are willing to pay $150 for a pair, college women carrying $500 Louis Vutton bags, and men wearing $300 Gucci Belts (McCullough). A large part of this behavior is influenced by the ubiquitous parties that students tend to attend these days. Often, students who spend hundreds of dollars on buying stuff for one party repeat the same for another party the very fnext weekend. The fear that people will recognize previously worn profits, leading to tirades or belittlement leads students to go out of their way to make unnecessary purchases. Shopping is also considered to be a unique form of therapy; students feeling depressed, sad, or indifferent go to shopping to make themselves feel better. This is a unique opportunity for marketers to capitalize on; it’s not that students have the need, they go shopping when they feel like. Other than increasing spending on clothes, students are also more inclined towards spending highly on fast food and latest electronics, including gadgets such as smartphones and tablets. Students, who can afford a car, are also spending their money on them. An important feature of student spending is that they are generally spending more than they earn, according to a survey conducted by Alloy Media and Marketing (McCullough). A significant portion of student spending is done on f ood, however the remainder is spent on cell phone service, entertainment and clothing. It is safe to say that media and celebrities are influencing student behavior substantially. The desire of becoming as acceptable and cool as celebrities leads students, who can afford to, to buy expensive designer clothes and apparel. TV programs show a lot of luxury lifestyle. There are several reality shows that depict such lifestyles and for anyone who can afford such luxuries, it becomes a necessity. Student spending on fashion and food has led to rising level of debt

Monday, July 22, 2019

Community and Population Health Essay Example for Free

Community and Population Health Essay Introduction I currently reside in Denver County, Colorado. I have chosen to assess and analyze this community for this assignment. Denver, Colorado is located east of the Eastern Foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Denver County is centrally located within the city of Denver, Colorado and includes the Denver International Airport located north-east of the city. The elevation of this county is 5,277 feet and therefore is nicknamed the â€Å"Mile-High City†. Denver County contains 154.9 square miles of land with a large amount of parks and rivers, of which 1. 4 miles is water. (City and County of Denver, 2011). Population Economic Status According to the 2010 census, Denver County has a population of 600,158 people with a median age of 33.7 years old (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010a). Denver County’s population is approximately 50% male and 50% female (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010a). The ethnicity of Denver County is predominately White (52.2%), with Hispanic (31.8%) and Black (9.8%) ethnic groups comprising the next largest population groups (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010a). The median household income in Denver County from 2008-2012 was is $49,091; compared to $58,244 for the entire state of Colorado (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010b). From2008-2012, 18.9% of households were at or below poverty; compared to an average of 12.9% for the entire state of Colorado (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010b). The average reported unemployment rate for persons ages 16 + in Denver County was 8.6% (with a +/- 0.4% margin of error) (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010a). Denver County has a high percentage of educated workforce. In 2008-2012, 36.7% of the population age 25 + had obtained their Bachelor’s Degree, or a higher level of education; compared 28.5% for the entire US (U.S. Census  Bureau, 2010b). Although Denver County has a large percentage of educated residents, it also has a high number of homeless residents. In a survey taken in January 2013, an estimated 11,167 people were homeless in Denver (including employed homeless) (Metro Denver Homeless Initiative, 2013). Of those individuals, 43% were women and 62% were adults with children (Metro Denver Homeless Initiative, 2013). The birth rate in Denver County in 2012 was 9,236 (Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, 2012). This was average compared to the previous two years – in 2011 there were 9,431 births compared to 2010 where there were 9,584 births (Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, 2012). Denver County’s death rate in 2012 was 4,220 (Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, 2012). This number was average compared to the previous two years as well – in 2011 there were 4,156 deaths and in 2010 there were 4,210 deaths. The number one cause of death in Denver County from 2010 – 2012 was cardiovascular disease (Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, 2012). The majority of deaths related to population was individuals age 85+ (Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, 2012). Denver County offers two primary basic food assistance programs. These programs are called SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) and WIC (Women, Infants, and Children). For the fiscal year of 2013, Colorado had an average of 47,636,090 persons from a total of 23,052,396 households were signed up for SNAP benefits (USDA, 2014a). This number had increased by approximately 1,027,016 persons from 2012 fiscal year (USDA, 2014a). For the fiscal year of 2013, Colorado had an average of 8,662,591 persons (including women, infants, and children) were receiving supplemental nutrition from the WIC program (USDA, 2014b). This number decreased by 245,249 persons from 2012 fiscal year (USDA, 2014b). Cultural Assessment The population size and sex of the cultural group I interviewed was of twenty white women. Out of the twenty women I interviewed, ten women were between the ages of 20-29 years old and ten women were between the ages of  30-49 years old. All twenty women are currently registered nurses on the internal medicine/oncology floor at the hospital I am currently employed at. The amount of nursing experience these individuals have ranges from two years to 29 years of experience. All twenty individuals interviewed have health insurance. The attitudes toward age and aging of the twenty individuals surveyed varied with a similar goal of staying healthy to prevent the onset of diseases. The younger group interviewed felt it was important to eat healthy and exercise to promote internal health and longevity of life in general. The older group interviewed were more specific with their answers and felt it was important to maintain low stress lifestyles to promote good mental and physical health, to exercise to promote strong bones/balance, to perform mental exercises to help prevent the onset of dementia, and to regularly attend appointments. Both groups agreed that positive vs. negative attitudes directly affect physical health and one’s quality of life. When I asked both groups of their opinions regarding what age adolescents are considered adults, I received drastically different answers. The younger group felt as if ages 18-19 years old are considered adults related to society’s description of an adult, the independency promoted with high school graduation, and the onset of college. The older group felt as if ages 22-23 years old are considered adults primarily related to maturity, life experiences, and the beginning of an entry level career after completion of a college degree. Both groups felt as if college education was an expectation. All of the individuals interviewed currently have their degree in nursing with an active nursing license. Approximately one-third of those interviewed have their Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and several of those interviewed possess recognizable specialty healthcare certifications. As an entirety, the group interviewed is healthy. Over half of those interviewed have no prior diagnoses regarding their state physical of health. The most obvious physical characteristic that both groups share is being overweight with eleven out of the twenty women interviewed currently being overweight according to their projected BMI. The entire population interviewed shared the mental challenge of overcoming the stress presented at work regarding difficult/challenging patients and all women interviewed believed they have compromised their safety while caring for a patient at one time or another in their career. When I asked this group what the usual sources of stress are, work was number one for all twenty women interviewed. The younger population interviewed stated that children/family and educational goals are some of their secondary sources of stress. The older population interviewed stated that aging/retirement and the health of other family members are their secondary sources of stress. Both groups primarily use the mountains/nature and outdoor activities, such as skiing and hiking, to cope with stress. Five of the individuals drive nearly sixty miles to work (one-way) daily, related to owning a home in the mountains to escape the â€Å"rush and chaos† of the city and helping to find a â€Å"balance in life†. Out of all twenty individuals interviewed, over 3/4 of the woman are married and/or have a significant other. When asked what their number one priority in life was, family was consistently number one. Most all other interests and goals were related to benefiting or bettering the family. Some of the answers named were continuing educational goals, buying a new home, having a baby, planning retirement, and helping their parents with activities of daily life. Of the cultural group identified, all of them share a team attitude while still exhibiting individualist perspectives unique to personal preferences and opinions. Neighborhood/Community Safety Denver is divided into about 80 different official neighborhoods within Denver County (City and County of Denver, 2011). Those 80 different neighborhoods have been divided into seven police and fire districts; including Denver International Airport with has its own district (Denver Police Department, 2014; Denver Fire Department, 2014). The average response time for the Denver Police Department varied in 2013 from 14.9 minutes to respond to urgent, emergency calls (from the time a 911 call was received to the time an officer arrived on the scene) to 16.9 minutes for an officer to respond to a non-emergency call (Maass, 2013). According to Lt. Matt Murray from the Denver Police Department, these slow response times  have been directly correlated with a lack of officers (Maass, 2013). According to Murray, the Denver Police Department can have as many as 1,426 officers and as of October 3, 2013, the Denver Police Department had only 1,350 officers (Maass, 2013). A new class of 70 recr uits are currently in training in hopes to decrease the department’s response times in 2014 (Maass, 2013). The Denver Fire Department maintains 34 different fire stations that are strategically split into seven districts (Denver Fire Department, 2014). Firefighter’s each work an average of three 24-hour shift with an average of 180 firefighter’s on-duty per shift (Denver Fire Department, 2014). The Denver Fire Department responds to a variety of calls including Fire Suppression, Rescue Operations, Hazardous Materials Response, Technical Rescue, Urban Search and Rescue, Water and Ice Rescue, High Angle Rope Rescue, Confined Space and Trench Rescue, Wildland Firefighting, and Emergency Medical Services. They also perform thousands of building inspections annually, daily training and certifications, public and community education, school fire drills, and organize other special events (Denver Fire Department, 2014). According to the Denver Fire Department 2012 Annual Report, there were a total of 101,531 alarms/calls made in 2012 that required the response of the fire department team (Maass, 2013). Out of those 101,531 calls made to the fire department, 54,350 were for medical calls, 8,103 were for auto accidents, 2,248 were for fires, and approximately 37,000 calls required other services or rescues (Maass, 2013). Denver County has a significant amount of violence, crime, and gang activity within the community. In January/February 2014 there were a total of 7,268 crimes captured by the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) (Denver Police Department, 2014). According to this reporting system, the crimes are broken down into four categories; (1) crimes against persons, (2) crimes against property, (3) crimes against society, and (4) all other offenses (Denver Police Department, 2014). The top two offenses in Denver County per category included (1) simple assault and aggravated assault, (2) larceny and criminal mischief/damaged property, (3) drug/narcotic violations and prostitution, and (4) disorderly conduct/disturbing the peace and  criminal trespassing (Denver Police Department, 2014). These figures are slightly elevated from a total of 6,822 crimes in January/February 2013 (Denver Police Department, 2014). There is a variety of different gang activity in Denver County. In 2003, Denver police estimated that there were 14,000 gang members in Denver who were affiliated with 220 different gangs (Gang activity in Denver, 2013). The Denver Police Department has since created gang prevention programs including education, a gang hotline, outreach programs for former gang members, crime stoppers anonymous tips hotline, and the Denver Police Department Gang Bureau (Denver Police Department, 2014). Even with gang prevention involvement in the community and with these prevention programs in place, from January-September 2013 there was a total of 143 total crimes that could be directly related to gang activity (Gurman, 2013). These crimes included homicides, sexual assault, robberies, and aggravated assault (Gurman, 2013). Denver County is also populated with a high level of alcohol and drug abuse. The availability of marijuana with the recent legalization of recreational marijuana makes marijuana the most widely abused drug in Denver County (Mendelson, 2014). Alcohol, methamphetamines, heroin, cocaine, and prescription drugs are all found within the city limits of Denver as well (Mendelson, 2014). Denver County is centrally located between two interstates; I-25 and I-70. These interstates have many different entry and exit points to and from the city that provide easier access for drug trafficking and other illegal activities. Denver County has many different programs protecting its air and water quality. The Environmental Quality Division (EQD) is responsible for a variety of measures including conducting compliance inspections of air emissions, monitoring pollutant levels, issuing permits, and constructing models of air pollutant levels in the Denver area (Department of Environmental Health, 2014a). In February 2014 Colorado became the first state to regulate methane emissions from hydraulic fracking (Kroh, 2014). This new regulation will directly increase water quality and decrease smog in the Denver area. The Department of Environmental Health (DEH) is responsible for monitoring the quality of water in Denver’s lakes and  streams. The DEH collects an average of 13,000+ water samples and conducts more than 50,000 tests annually to ensure that Denver’s drinking water is clean and safe (Department of Environmental Health, 2014c). The goal is for the city of Denver to have fishable and swim mable waters in all the lakes and streams by 2020 (Department of Environmental Health, 2014c). Denver’s Departments of Environmental Health, Public Works, and Parks and Recreation are all work together to ensure that the City meets this goal (Department of Environmental Health, 2014c). Denver’s current number one pollutant is trash and litter. Urban Drainage and Flood control district alone collects approximately 100 tons of trash from the streams and rivers in Denver annually (Department of Environmental Health, 2014b). There are several health risks living within Denver County. These risks include earthquakes, hazardous materials, winter storms, and severe thunderstorms with hail, lightening, tornados, and/or flooding (Office of Emergency Management, 2014b). Hit and run injuries have become an epidemic in Denver County with an increase in fatal crashes in Denver County. Denver police reported 18,662 hit-and-run accidents, both sustaining injuries and sustaining no injuries, during 2011-2013 (Hubbard, 2014). At least one person in Denver metro area is injured every day by a hit-and-run driver and nearly three times a month a pedestrian is fatally injured by a motorist who flees the scene (Hubbard, 2014). Colorado legislators have recently increased the potential prison sentence for hit-and-run cases resulting in bodily injury and/or death. They have also formalized an alert program to inform the public on suspects, vehicles, and/or license plate numbers in an attempt to help in track down perpetrators (Hubbard, 2014). Disaster Assessment and Planning The state of Colorado and city of Denver has worked hard to organize a variety of disaster and emergency preparedness plans within the community. One source of information, READYColorado, offers a variety of data sources for the community. Their website,, offers awareness and disaster preparedness for a variety of natural disasters, technological disasters, and human caused disasters. The website also contains statistics, facts, and a calendar list of current events and training exercises. It offers links for volunteer opportunities regarding community involvement and educational classes and it also lists ways to stay informed of emergencies  from such sources such as radio, television, text, live twitter feeds, and blogs. Three critical facilities in Denver County include three specific venues; Coors Field with 50K capacity, The Pepsi Center with 19K capacity, and Sports Authority at Mile High Stadium with 76K capacity (City and County of Denver, 2011). The most vulnerable populations to these disasters are the 22.3% of households with children less than 18 years of age, the approximately 23,000 individuals 65+ that live independently, and the residents in 51 long term care facilities within Denver County (City and County of Denver, 2011). The primary disaster of concern for the Denver County is winter weather. Winter weather is an expectation living in Colorado. READYColorado contains information for home and vehicle preparation, emergency communications planning, proper dress for indoors and outdoors to protect the body from hypothermia, and hypothermia/frostbite warning signs. One can also find more information at, Colorado Department of Transportation, NOAA watch, and the American Red Cross regarding winter weather and the risks involved. Avalanches are of great threat to the mountainous regions of Colorado but do not pose a threat within Denver County. The risk of earthquakes is low in Denver County. However if an earthquake was to occur, the city would be very susceptible to extensive damage. Residencies and some of the older buildings in Denver are not made to withstand earthquakes and would most likely suffer damage to their structures (Office of Emergency Management, 2014b). Severe thunderstorms bringing hail, lightening, and tornados pose threats to the Denver County annually. Residents of the Colorado’s Front Range area are located in the heart of â€Å"Hail Alley† which begins mid-April and lasts through mid-August. The Front Range and Denver County receives a high frequency of large hail annually, averaging three to four hailstorms a year, and costing at least 25 million dollars in insured damage for each event (READYColorado and the State of Colorado, 2014b). Lightening poses the greatest threat to areas where the mountains and plains intersect (READYColorado and the State of Colorado, 2014b). Three deaths related to  lightning strikes have known to occur in Denver since 2001 (National Weather Service, 2011). Tornados pose a threat to all areas of Colorado; however tornados to not typically get high intensity ratings within Denver County (City and County of Denver, 2011). Flying debris from high winds cause most injuries. NOAA weathe r radio, telephone alerts, and television sources provide alerts severe thunderstorms and the destructive events that they bring. Denver County also has an outdoor warning siren system consisting of 76 electro-mechanical sirens that sound when there are tornado alerts and warnings (Office of Emergency Management, 2014a). Wildfire ignition by lightning is a bigger concern rural Colorado areas compared to the city. Respiratory problems can still result from the inhalation of smoke spread by wind. Wildfires burn thousands of acres and destroy hundreds of structures annually in Colorado. These fires are generally ignited by lightening or human causes and can easily be fueled by drought conditions, insect infestations, and heat. READYColorado offers information on risk assessment, home preparation, evacuation plans, and shelter information. More information regarding wildfires can be found at, Ready, Set, Go!, Surviving Wildfire, The Red Cross, US Fire Administration – FEMA, and Colorado State Forest Service websites. Colorado Wildfire Risk Assessment Portal is also a useful tool in determining fire risks. Currently, Denver’s fire risk is between lowest intensity and moderate intensity risk (Colorado State Forest Service, 2014). Flooding has a big impact on Colorado and in 2013 challenged many residents in the Denver area. NOAA Weather Radio, commercial radio, television, and internet sources provide information on flood watches and warnings, including flash floods in Denver County. Flash flooding along streams such as Cherry Creek, Clear Creek, and Harvard Gulch pose the greatest threats within the Denver area. The Corps of Engineers, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, and the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District websites provide 2013 flood information, current projects, and resources for flooding preparation and damage control in Colorado. Health risks involved from flooding include contamination from bacteria (ie. E.coli), parasites (ie. giaria), and viruses (ie. Hepatitis A), respiratory infections from mold and other irritants, and bodily injury from swiftly moving currents, electricity hazards, and hypothermia. It is very important for all Denver County residents to be up to date with Tetanus  vaccinations. Terrorism poses a rather unpredictable threat to Denver County. Denver County has a large metropolis population and houses both government buildings and military installations, contains large sports stadiums and an international airport. It is known that failure of the Cherry Creek Dam would cause catastrophic damage to both life and property within Denver County (City and County of Denver, 2011). There have been known international and domestic terrorist groups identified in Colorado during previous years (City and County of Denver, 2011). Education regarding the â€Å"eight signs of terrorism† can be found at multiple terrorism related websites including Denver also has specialized units including Denver Police Department Mounted Patrol, S.W.A.T.(Special Weapons And Tactics) who’s primary objective deals with hostage negotiation, drug busts and counterterrorism (City and County of Denver, 2011). Hazardous material spill have an increase potential in Denver County related to the many different companies storing hazardous materials within city limits. There are approximately 400 facilities storing reportable quantities of hazardous materials on properties located throughout the county (Office of Emergency Management, 2014). Each company is regulated by law to hold emergency plans that would go into effect if an accidental release of substance was to occur. The interstates bring added risk to Denver County related to the traffic along I-25 and I-70. These two interstates pass through densely populated areas of Denver County Denver fire and police have Hazardous Materials Response teams in place that are trained to respond to such an event(s). Denver County has nearly a dozen different hospitals with a vast amount of public transportation options such as bicycle, RTD bus and light rail services, taxi cabs, car2go, and Lyft services. Denver County has excellent communications and response teams in the event of a disaster with a vast amount of online education; however this information is published mostly in the English language. With such a large population of homeless in Denver County and 18.9% of all households at or below poverty level (U.S. Census  Bureau, 2010), the internet is not a good primary option for learning. Also, approximately 28% of all households speak a language other than English (City and County of Denver, 2011). Community Diagnosis Denver County is a very strong community regarding the number of educated workforce, median household income, number of hospitals, amount of public ground transportation, the protection of air and water quality, and the number of fire and police with specialty training teams and programs operating within the community. There is a very small percentage of residents 65+ who live independently and slightly over 1/5 of all households have children less than 18 years of age. The primary language is English and the community culture has a good overall team mentality. Denver County’s birth rate double the death rate with the leading cause of death cardiovascular disease in a primary death rate existing in the population 85+ (Colorado Department of Public Health, 2012). Denver County has many open avenues regarding opportunities and readiness attitudes within community. The population of Denver County is approximately 50% male and 50% female with a median age of 33.7 years old (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010a). This provides the community with the opportunity to explore young ideas and diversity among sexes. Denver County has a large number of homeless population with approximately 1/5 of the total population at or below poverty. These numbers exceed the national average. Denver County has two specific food programs being utilized greatly; SNAP and WIC benefits. There is a high number of crime, violence, and gangs within Denver County. There is a high level of alcohol and drug abuse within the community as well. Specialized police teams and community resources/programs assist with deterring these types of activities and assist in recovery efforts for those individuals. Colorado has recently legalized recreational marijuana which could be positive in terms of tax revenue for the state and future funding of programs and resources for the community. There could also be negative consequences regarding adolescent drug use and the increase of impaired drivers on the streets; however these statistics have not yet been measured and studied. Denver County is  contains a 100% urban population. This is both a strength and weakness to the city in terms of emergency evacuation. There are three critical facilities that exist in Denver County at specific venues with a capacity between 19K and 76K (City and County of Denver, 2011). Denver County is centrally located between I-25 and I-70 which can be an opportunity for evacuation or a barrier regarding avenues for drug trafficking and other illegal activities. There is a high ratio of hit-and-run injuries and fatalities within Denver County. Colorado legislators have recently increased potential prison sentences for hit-and-run cases resulting bodily injury and/or death. They have also formalized an alert program to inform and involve the public as an attempt to help track down perpetrators. The formulation of a city-wide educational program focusing on the prevention of hit-and-run occurrences may be beneficial in reducing these numbers as well. It is important for the Denver Police Department to have quicker response times to both emergent and non-emergent calls. Hopefully with the addition of new recruits for the force who are currently in training, Denver County will see quicker response time to all calls made. This will also hopefully decrease the amount of gang-related crimes and deter community activity in general. It is evident that Denver County has a large trash and litter problem. The initiation of more trash cans and recycle containers parallel with city-wide education would be beneficial in decreasing this problem. It would also be of benefit to the community and the court systems to enact a community service program that revolved around helping clean up the neighborhoods and streets. Denver County has good disaster and emergency preparedness plans within the community; however educational resources to the public need to be explored with a variety of different materials and other languages for maximum effectiveness. The primary educational method is by internet with most of the materials written in the English language only. Nearly 1/3 of all households in Denver County speak a language other than English. References City and County of Denver. (2011, Oct). Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment. Retrieved March 8, 2014, from,d.cGU Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. (n.d.). Health Statistics: 2012. Retrieved March 10, 2014, from .us%2FResources%2Fvs%2F2012%2FDenver.pdfei+I14tU9zPA-SNygGZ-IDYBwus G=AFQjCNH_VbyYxdRvmxNekgRu-y0LhIgrzwbvm=bv.62922401,d.aWc Colorado State Forest Service. (2014). Colorado Wildfire Risk Assessment Portal. Retrieved March 10, 2014, from Denver Fire Department. (2014, January 7). In Wikipedia. Retrieved March 9, 2014, from Denver Police Department. (2014, January 6). Reported Offenses In The City And County Of Denver By Month. Retrieved March 8, 2014, from PoliceDepartment/CrimeInformation/CrimeStatisticsMaps/tabid/441370/Default.aspx Denver’s Water Quality Program. (2014, February 14). Sampling Results. Retrieved March 9, 2014, from 544333196app_data Department of Environmental Health. (2014a). Air Quality Program: Our Role In Protecting Air Quality. Retrieved March 9, 2014, from Health/EnvironmentalHealth/EnvironmentalQuality/EnvironmenatlAssessmentPolicy AirQuality/tabid/444649/Default.aspx Department of Environmental Health. (2014b). Water Quality Program: Trash and Litter. Retrieved March 9, 2014, from EnvironmentalHealth/EnvironmentalQuality/WaterQuality/tabid/444650/Default.aspx Department of Environmental Health. (2014c). Water Quality Program: Water Quality In Lakes and Streams. Retreived March 9, 2014, from health/EnvironmentalHealth/EnvironmentalQuality/WaterQuality/tabid/444650/Default. Aspx Gang activity in Denver. (2013, August 17). In Wikipedia. Retrieved March 9, 2014, from http:// Gurman, Sadie. (2013, October 15). The Denver Post. Denver Police: Gang violence rises this year, involves more victims. Retrieved March 9, 2014, from /breakingnews/ci_24309448/denver-police-gang-violence-rises-this-year?source=rss Hubbard, Brent. (2014, Feburary 17). Rocky Mountain PBS. Hit-and-run fatal crashes rising in Colorado. Retrieved March 10, 2014, from 40217/WINDSORBEACON01/302170069/Hit-run-fatal-crashes-rising-Colorado Kroh, Kiley. (2014, February 24). Climate Progress: Colorado Become The First State To Regulate Methane Emissions from Fracking. Retrieved March 9, 2014, from http:// Maass, Brian. (2013, October 3). CBS Denver. Denver Police Response Times Worsen, Complaints Rising. Retrieved March 9, 2014, from 10/03/denver-police-response-times-worsen-complaints-rising/ Mendelson, Bruce. (2014, Feburary). National Institute on Drug Abuse. Drug Abuse Patterns and Trends in Colorado and the Denver/Boulder Metropolitan Area – Update: Jan 2014. Retrieved March 9, 2014, from groups-interest-groups-consortia/community-epidemiology-work-group-cewg/meeting- reports/highlights-summaries-january-2014-4 Metro Denver Homeless Initiative and National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty. (2013, January). The Gathering Place – Homelessness and Poverty Statistics. Retrieved On March 8, 2014, from National Weather Service. (2011, June 21). Colorado and National Lightning Casualty Statistics. Retrieved March 10, 2014, from php Office of Emergency Management. (2014a). Alert and Warning Systems. Retrieved March 10, 2014, Office of Emergency Management. (2014b). Potential Threats. Retrieved March 9, 2014, from READYColorado and the State of Colorado. (2014a). Retrieved March 10, 2014, from https:// READYColorado and the State of Colorado. (2014b). Severe Weather/Thunderstorm. Retrieved March 10, 2014, from storm READYColorado and the State of Colorado. (2014c). Tornado. Retrieved March 10, 2014, from READYColorado and the State of Colorado. (2014d). Wildfire. Retrieved March 10, 2014, from

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Conflict In Death Of A Salesman English Literature Essay

Conflict In Death Of A Salesman English Literature Essay Conflict is an essential element in all pieces of literature. In Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman, every character in the play deals with conflict at one point or another. However, Willy Loman is confronted with a large amount of conflicts throughout the play. None of Willys conflicts, Willy versus Biff, Willy versus himself, and Willy versus society, are resolved by the end of the play. Willy faces a father-son conflict with Biff throughout the play. When Biff returns home, Willy senses it as a failure. He returns home to find out who he is. Willy desperately wants Biff to succeed in every way possible. However, Willy and Biff have conflicting views of what the American Dream is. Willy believes that selling is the greatest job a man can have. On the contrary, Biff feels that the best job a man can have is working outdoors with his hands. When these two dreams collide, Willy becomes frustrated because he believes he is correct and his way is the only way. This contrast between their beliefs builds up throughout the play up to their final argument near the close of Act II. Biff is the only Loman that is able to see past Willys illusions about life. Will you take that phony dream and burn it before something happens? (133) He is the only one able to see reality. Willy is in a dream world where he believes he is on the verge of success whereas Biff is able to see the ha rsh reality and recognizes that both he and his father are failures. Young Biff had the same beliefs and views as his father, but after discovering his fathers infidelity, these beliefs changed. He realized he didnt want to become like his father and changed his beliefs. By the end of the play, Willys conflict is not resolved. He had all the wrong dreams. (138) Willy and Biffs beliefs are still opposite of each others. Although Biff has found out who he is, it is not the person his father had hoped for. He is not the leader of men and successful salesman his father wanted him to be, he is an ordinary man who plans to go out West. As Willy faced continuing conflict with his son, he also endured conflicts with himself. Willy faces conflicts with his inner self throughout the play. Willy refuses to accept who he is and his self pride is too important to him. Willy Loman refuses to admit that he is an ordinary man. He must be the successful American businessman that is a leader among men. He is in a dream world where he is on the verge of success. Throughout the play, he is at odds with who he perceives himself to be and who he is in reality. He seems to ignore the talent and appreciation he has for carpentry. He believes that if he purses carpentry, he would be beneath himself. Willy struggles with the fact that he will never be able to achieve his perception of who he wants to be. This conflict goes on until his death. He continues to believe he can be on top of the world, but in reality, he is a normal human being. Willy has a strong sense of self pride in him, one that may be too strong. He is afraid to show a lack of it to Charley or his family. When Willy meets Charley at his office in Act II, he offers him a job to help him. However, Willy is too proud of himself and will not work for Charley. He still believes he can survive without Charleys job offer. He doesnt understand that reality that he is a failure. He also considers himself superior to Charley. He believes Charley is not well-liked and is not the ideal character one should be. He knows that accepting a job offer from someone below him would be an insult to his self pride. Willy is also afraid to admit he is done and can not survive anymore to his family. I cant throw myself on my sons. (84) He is also afraid to show any weakness to his sons. Willy dies a man extremely proud of himself. However, he still has not faced the reality of who he truly is. He did not admit he needed help like an ordinary man would, a man just like him. As Willys conflict with himself grew, so did his conflict with his society. Willy is in conflict with society like the majority of American men in the last century. Willy struggles with his selling as he ages. The young Willy was able to make sales easily, but now he is older, and has more difficulty selling. Willy is constantly trying to find the key to success in selling. He constantly worries about other peoples perception of him and blames his lack of success on his physical traits such as his weight and clothing. Willy believes these are the reasons why he has difficulty selling, while in reality, it is the fact that he does not see himself and the world as they really are. When he first started selling, buyers may have been interested in charismatic salesman. However, as time changed, the business world looked for knowledgeable salesman to promote products. Willy is always worried about his appearance up to his death and still has difficulty understanding why he is never accepted as a talented businessman. When Willy talks to Howard about possibly stay ing in New York to sell, Willy feels like he is being thrown away by society. A man is not a piece of fruit! (82) Willy claims a man is not an orange where you eat the orange and throw away the peal. He is referring to himself when he says this. Willy has worked for this business for 34 years and after all his work for the company, he is worth nothing to it. In society, a man is often measured by his income and skills that can be used in society. However, Willy lacks both of these and society deems him as useless. Therefore, Howard fires him from a business standpoint. Willys conflict with society is not resolved. At his funeral, no one comes except for his family and Charley and Bernard. Society found him useless and threw him away. None of Willy Lomans conflicts with Biff, himself, and society are resolved by the end of the play. In his conflict with Biff, he is never able to nurture Biff into the man he wanted him to become. In his conflict with himself, he is never able to see the reality. Finally, in his conflict with society, he is a victim of Americas capitalistic and materialistic environment. However, the main cause of all his conflicts is his inability to see the reality in life. Perhaps that is why he was unable to solve any of his conflicts. However, Willy Loman was a troubled man from the beginning of the play to his death. He was much more than a man who had plenty of conflicts, he was a man who attempted to live the American Dream, but ultimately, his conflicts stopped him.

Understanding Mobile Technology Development

Understanding Mobile Technology Development The world becomes increasingly interconnected technologically. The use of mobile data has grown surprisingly with the rising use of the smart phones. Therefore, mobile app plays an important role for the todays business. There are three different approaches for developing mobile apps: Native Apps: The Android and iOS are the two widely used app platforms. The Native apps are developed for a specific platform.ÂÂ   So the native apps which are developed for Android devices will not work on iOS devices and vice versa. The native apps are built using native programming languages like Objective C, Java, etc. Each mobile platform offers their proprietary development tools for developing the native apps. (Swift, 2015) The native apps can use the recourses of the devices effectively like camera, sound system, graphics, etc.ÂÂ   Due to make the native apps for specific device, it works fast and reliable to the users. The native apps offer best user experience. The main disadvantage of the native apps is that they will not work on all kinds of devices. So the organization needs to develop different versions of native apps for multiple platforms. Thats why it is costly to build and maintain. Web Apps: The web apps are the mobile version of websites. They are the mobile optimized apps that load within a mobile internet browser like Mozilla, chrome, etc. The users dont need to install the web apps to their mobile devices. So the web apps dont require any space in the devices. Several programming languages like CSS, HTML5, CSS, etc are used to develop the web apps. A web app is easy to develop and can be very simple.ÂÂ   A constant internet connection is required to access the web apps. It may work slow and difficult to engage with users. The financial times has a good mobile web app. (Iversen and Eierman, 2013) Hybrid Apps: The Hybrid apps are the combination of native and web apps. It is written by HTML, CSS and JavaScript and then warp by PhoneGap or Cordova.ÂÂ   The performance of Hybrid app may be reduced due to add an extra layer between the native code and targeted platform. This app is comparatively cheaper than native app and easy to build. It is faster than web app and easy to maintain. Only the native portion of the hybrid apps needs to be rewritten to work it on multiple platforms. So an organization doesnt need to manage a hybrid app in different platforms. So developing hybrid app is economical solution. (Swift, 2015) The Cheswick Green House (CGH) wants to launch their own mobile app due expand their business and more engagement to their customer. A hybrid app is suitable for this type of business because the Cheswick Green House needs a wide acceptability mobile app for growing their business. From the above discussion, we have seen that the hybrid apps have the capability of running on different types of mobile devices. Moreover, this app has more user engagement capability. It is also easy to develop and economical. So I think a hybrid app is suitable for the Cheswick Green House. (McCallister, 2014) The main challenge for the mobile app development is to make it widely acceptable so that it can reach to the optimal number of users.ÂÂ   The performance of the app may be reduced while developers try to make the app widely acceptable. So its a big challenge for the developer to keep the apps simple, clear and responsive. Since most apps run on mobile devices, it is necessary to develop an app with minimum power consumption and resource utilization. Network security is an important part of the todays network. So it is also a key challenge to make the app secure and reliable to the users. (McCallister, 2014) Basically, the mobile app development is a program that runs on the mobile devices like tablet, Smartphone, etc; whereas, the desktop or laptop application is a creation of computer programs that runs on a desktop or laptop devices. Most of the apps for standard computer are developed by HTML, PHP, CSS and JavaScript. On the other hand, the mobile app development depends on a lot of factors. Different programming languages are used to develop different versions of mobile apps. For example, Java is used to build Android apps and swift is used for iOS apps. (McCallister, 2014) In this assignment, we have described three different approaches for developing mobile apps, identified their advantages and disadvantages, selected a suitable approach for the Cheswick Green House and finally justified my decision based on the business operation of the company. We have identified some key challenges for the mobile app development also and made a comparison between mobile and desktop apps. References Iversen, J. and Eierman, M. (2013) Learning mobile app development: A hands-on guide to building apps with iOS and Android. Harlow: Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers. McCallister, J. (2014) Mobile Apps made simple: The ultimate guide to quickly creating, designing and utilizing mobile Apps for your business 2nd edition. United States: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform. Swift, O. (2015) Android: App development programming guide: Learn in a day! United States: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

I Wish to Study Internal Medicine in the USA Essay -- Medicine College

I Wish to Study Internal Medicine in the USA Medicine appeals to me as a humanistic, challenging field that offers an opportunity to help people in the most vital aspect of their lives; their health. Medicine has passionately appealed to me from my early childhood. I come from a family of doctors. My father, who is my role model, taught me two important aspects in the field of medicine: To reduce suffering & do no harm to patients. With this strong foundation, as my basis and support, entrance into a rural medical school was out of fascination for the intricate human architecture and its functioning. Being constantly in touch with the field of medicine through my father and other fellow doctors and through 6 years of medical school and rotations, I realized that Internal Medicine has evolved as mother of all branches. That is what sparked my interest in pursing a career in Internal Medicine. The basic principal in the art of healing is, to investigate the etiology of a disease, to arrive at a proper diagnosis, to treat the condition appropriately, and more importantly attending to the emotional and psychological aspects of the patients illness. This gives me a great sense of joy and is simply the reason I chose the ever-challenging field of Internal Medicine as my profession. Healing is a universal language. Internal Medicine offers human interactions with the wide spectrum of patients of all age groups and socio-economic status. It requires emphasis on continued care, preventive practices and complex problem solving skills. I believe that an Internist is influential in shaping family dynamics, whether in the case of illness or death or in achievi... ...under the supervision of Dr. Lee Stone. I stayed in touch with current advancement in medicine through medical journals, publication and the Internet. In summation, what I can offer to your institute can be described by my 3D's theory in life. I am, "Determined in doing the best, Dedicated in giving my best, Devoted in performing my best". I can offer your program a motivated, responsible, team player and an enthusiastic person, who is committed to excellence, intelligence, and personal initiative. I am eager to support and promote the fine reputation of your institution. Hence, here I am, standing on the platform of the future, enthusiastic and curious about the world that is yet to be discovered, hoping to develop a strong foundation for the future years in this field.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Sense and Sensibility :: essays research papers

Sense and Sensibility   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jane Austen was born on December 16, 1775, in Seventon Parsonage in Hampshire England. She was the seventh child of eight children. She was well educated by her father, who was a clergyman. When she was young she started writing novels for her family. It took her fifteen years to find a publisher, but when she did, her words became very widely known. To this day she is considered to be the first great woman novelist. Austen’s novels are mostly set in her own upper middle class English Country environment. They are based upon a young woman heroine who always ends up happily married. Austen shows how people struggle with issues of monetary value and the unhappiness it brings. She also shows how people struggle with their feelings and emotions for each other. In her novels, all the characters learn a lesson. The book Sense and Sensibility was published in 1811, and it is based on the observation of the people of her time. Because her novels always express the patterns of behavior of the people of her time, people find then informative as well as entertaining.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sense and Sensibility is about the Dashwoods, who are struggling to overcome the death of their father and husband. When he died, they were left virtually penniless, and because the law says that everything is passed down to the son of the decease the family is left with nothing and no place to live. The Dashwoods move in to a small cottage in Barton. But before they leave the oldest daughter falls in love with Edward Farris. Edward is part of England’s upper class, and his sister does not approve of his relationship with Elinor Farris, so she sends him away to London. Shortly after moving to Barton, another on of the Dashwood girls, Marianne, meets Mr. Willouby after she falls down while running in the rain. Willouby is quite handsome and soon he and Marianne become quite fond of each other. Willouby’s family does not like the idea of him marrying a poor girl, and they threaten to strip him of his wealth and inheritance if he marries her. At about t he same time, Elinor finds out that Edward has been secretly engaged to someone else for five years.