Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Advances in DNA Sequencing Technologies
Advances in DNA Sequencing Technologies Abstract Recent advances in DNA sequencing technologies have led to efficient methods for determining the sequence of DNA. DNA sequencing was born in 1977 when Sanger et al proposed the chain termination method and Maxam and Gilbert proposed their own method in the same year. Sangers method was proven to be the most favourable out of the two. Since the birth of DNA sequencing, efficient DNA sequencing technologies was being produced, as Sangers method was laborious, time consuming and expensive; Hood et al proposed automated sequencers involving dye-labelled terminators. Due to the lack of available computational power prior to 1995, sequencing an entire bacterial genome was considered out of reach. This became a reality when Venter and Smith proposed shotgun sequencing in 1995. Pyrosequencing was introduced by Ronagi in 1996 and this method produce the sequence in real-time and is applied by 454 Life Sciences. An indirect method of sequencing DNA was proposed by Drmanac in 1987 called sequen cing by hybridisation and this method lead to the DNA array used by Affymetrix. Nanopore sequencing is a single-molecule sequencing technique and involves single-stranded DNA passing through lipid bilayer via an ion channel, and the ion conductance is measured. Synthetic Nanopores are being produced in order to substitute the lipid bilayer. Illumina sequencing is one of the latest sequencing technologies to be developed involving DNA clustering on flow cells and four dye-labelled terminators performing reverse termination. DNA sequencing has not only been applied to sequence DNA but applied to the real world. DNA sequencing has been involved in the Human genome project and DNA fingerprinting. Introduction Reliable DNA sequencing became a reality in 1977 when Frederick Sanger who perfected the chain termination method to sequence the genome of bacteriophage ?X174 [1][2]. Before Sangers proposal of the chain termination method, there was the plus and minus method, also presented by Sanger along with Coulson [2]. The plus and minus method depended on the use of DNA polymerase in transcribing the specific sequence DNA under controlled conditions. This method was considered efficient and simple, however it was not accurate [2]. As well as the proposal of the chain termination sequencing by Sanger, another method of DNA sequencing was introduced by Maxam and Gilbert involving restriction enzymes, which was also reported in 1977, the same year as Sangers method. The Maxamm and Gilbert method shall be discussed in more detail later on in this essay. Since the proposal of these two methods, spurred many DNA sequencing methods and as the technology developed, so did DNA sequencing. In this lite rature review, the various DNA sequencing technologies shall be looked into as well their applications in the real world and the tools that have aided sequencing DNA e.g. PCR. This review shall begin with the discussion of the chain termination method by Sanger. The Chain Termination Method Sanger discovered that the inhibitory activity of 23-didoxythymidine triphosphate (ddTTP) on the DNA polymerase I was dependent on its incorporation with the growing oligonucleotide chain in the place of thymidylic acid (dT) [2]. In the structure of ddT, there is no 3-hydroxyl group, by there is a hydrogen group in place. With the hydrogen in place of the hydroxyl group, the chain cannot be extended any further, so a termination occurs at the position where dT is positioned. Figure 1 shows the structure of dNTP and ddNTP. Sanger discovered that the inhibitory activity of 23-didoxythymidine triphosphate (ddTTP) on the DNA polymerase I was dependent on its incorporation with the growing oligonucleotide chain in the place of thymidylic acid (dT) [2]. In the structure of ddT, there is no 3-hydroxyl group, by there is a hydrogen group in place. With the hydrogen in place of the hydroxyl group, the chain cannot be extended any further, so a termination occurs at the position where dT is positioned. Figure 1 shows the structure of dNTP and ddNTP. In order to remove the 3-hydroxyl group and replace it with a proton, the triphosphate has to undergo a chemical procedure [1]. There is a different procedure employed for each of the triphosphate groups. Preparation of ddATP was produced from the starting material of 3-O-tosyl-2-deoxyadenosine which was treated with sodium methoxide in dimethylformamide to produce 2,3-dideoxy-2,3-didehydroadenosine, which is an unsaturated compound [4]. The double bond between carbon 2 and 3 of the cyclic ether was then hydrogenated with a palladium-on-carbon catalyst to give 2,3-dideoxyadenosine (ddA). The ddA (ddA) was then phosphorylated in order add the triphosphate group. Purification then took place on DEAE-Sephadex column using a gradient of triethylamine carbonate at pH 8.4. Figure 2 is schematic representation to produce ddA prior to phosphorylation. In the preparation of ddTTP (Figure 3), thymidine was tritylated (+C(Ph3)) at the 5-position and a methanesulphonyl (+CH3SO2) group was introduced at the 3-OH group[5]. The methanesulphonyl group was substituted with iodine by refluxing the compound in 1,2-dimethoxythane in the presence of NaI. After chromatography on a silica column the 5-trityl-3-iodothymidine was hydrogenated in 80% acetic acid to remove the trityl group. The resultant 3-iodothymidine was hydrogenated to produce 23-dideoxythymidine which subsequently was phosphorylated. Once phosphorylated, ddTTP was then purified on a DEAE-sephadex column with triethylammonium-hydrogen carbonate gradient. Figure 3 is a schematic representation to produce ddT prior phosphorylation. When preparing ddGTP, the starting material was N-isobutyryl-5-O-monomethoxytrityldepxyguanosine [1]. After the tosylation of the 3-OH group the compound was then converted to the 23-didehydro derivative with sodium methoxide. Then the isobutyryl group was partly removed during this treatment of sodium methoxide and was removed completely by incubation in the presence of NH3 overnight at 45oC. During the overnight incubation period, the didehydro derivative was reduced to the dideoxy derivative and then converted to the triphosphate. The triphosphate was purified by the fractionation on a DEAE-Sephadex column using a triethylamine carbonate gradient. Figure 4 is a schematic representation to produce ddG prior phosphorylation. Preparing the ddCTP was similar to ddGTP, but was prepared from N-anisoyl-5-O-monomethoxytrityldeoxycytidine. However the purification process was omitted for ddCTP, as it produced a very low yield, therefore the solution was used directly in the experiment described in the paper [2]. Figure 5 is a schematic representation to produce ddC prior phosphorylation. With the four dideoxy samples now prepared, the sequencing procedure can now commence. The dideoxy samples are in separate tubes, along with restriction enzymes obtained from ?X174 replicative form and the four dNTPs [2]. The restriction enzymes and the dNTPs begin strand synthesis and the ddNTP is incorporated to the growing polynucleotide and terminates further strand synthesis. This is due to the lack of the hydroxyl group at the 3 position of ddNTP which prevents the next nucleotide to attach onto the strand. The four tubes are separate by gel-electrophoresis on acrylamide gels (see Gel-Electrophoresis). Figure 6 shows the sequencing procedure. Reading the sequence is straightforward [1]. The first band that moved the furthest is located, this represents the smallest piece of DNA and is the strand terminated by incorporation of the dideoxynucleotide at the first position in the template. The track in which this band occurs is noted. For example (shown in Figure 6), the band that moved the furthest is in track A, so the first nucleotide in the sequence is A. To find out what the next nucleotide, the next most mobile band corresponding to DNA molecule which is one nucleotide longer than the first, and in this example, the band is on track T. Therefore the second nucleotide is T, and the overall sequence so far is AT. The processed is carried on along the autoradiograph until the individual bands start to close in and become inseparable, therefore becoming hard to read. In general it is possible to read upto 400 nucleotides from one autoradiograph with this method. Figure 7 is a schematic representation of an autoradiograph. E ver since Sanger perfected the method of DNA sequencing, there have been advances methods of sequencing along with the achievements. Certain achievements such as the Human genome project and shall be discussed later on in this review. Gel-Electrophoresis Gel-Electrophoresis is defined as the movement of charged molecules in an electric field [1][8]. DNA molecules, like many other biological compounds carry an electric charge. With the case of DNA, this charge is negative. Therefore when DNA is placed in an electric field, they migrate towards the positive pole (as shown in figure 8). There are three factors which affect the rate of migration, which are shape, electrical charge and size. The polyacrylamide gel comprises a complex network of pores through which the molecules must travel to reach the anode. Maxam and Gilbert Method The Maxam and Gilbert method was proposed before Sanger Method in the same year. While the Sangers method involves enzymatic radiolabelled fragments from unlabelled DNA strands [2]. The Maxam-Gilbert method involves chemical cleavage of prelabelled DNA strands in four different ways to form the four different collections of labelled fragments [6][7]. Both methods use gel-electrophoresis to separate the DNA target molecules [8]. However Sangers Chain Termination method has been proven to be simpler and easier to use than the Maxam and Gilbert method [9]. As a matter of fact, looking through the literature text books, Sangers method of DNA sequencing have been explained rather than Maxam and Gilberts [1][3][9][10]. With Maxam and Gilberts method there are two chemical cleavage reactions that take place [6][7]. One of the chemical reaction take places with guanine and the adenine, which are the two purines and the other cleaves the DNA at the cytosine and thymin e, the pyrimidines. For the cleavage reaction, specific reagents are used for each of the reaction. The purine specific reagent is dimethyl sulphate and the pyrimidine specific reagent is hydrazine. Each of these reactions are done in a different way, as each of the four bases have different chemical properties. The cleavage reaction for the guanine/adenine involves using dimethyl sulphate to add a methyl group to the guanines at the N7 position and at the N3 position at the adenines [7]. The glycosidic bond of a methylated adenines is unstable and breaks easily on heating at neutral pH, leaving the sugar free. Treatment with 0.1M alkali at 90oC then will cleave the sugar from the neighbouring phosphate groups. When the resulting end-labelled fragments are resolved on a polyacrylamide gel, the autoradiograph contains a pattern a dark and light bands. The dark bands arise from the breakage at the guanines, which methylate at a rate which is 5-fold faster than adenines. From this reac tion the guanine appear stronger than the adenosine, this can lead to a misinterpretation. Therefore an Adenine-Enhanced cleavage reaction takes place. Figure 9 shows the structural changes of guanine when undergoing the structural modifications involved in Maxam-Gilbert sequencing. With an Adenine-Enhanced cleavage, the glycosidic bond of methylated adenosine is less stable than that of methylated guanosine, thus gentle treatment with dilute acid at the methylation step releases the adenine, allowing darker bands to appear on the autoradiograph [7]. The chemical cleavage for the cytosine and thymine residues involves hydrazine instead of dimethyl sulphate. The hydrazine cleaves the base and leaving ribosylurea [7]. After partial hydrazinolysis in 15-18M aqueous hydrazine at 20oC, the DNA is cleaved with 0.5M piperidine. The piperidine (a cyclic secondary amine), as the free base, displaces all the products of the hydrazine reaction from the sugars and catalyzses the b-elimination of the phosphates. The final pattern contains bands of the similar intensity from the cleavages at the cytosines and thymines. As for cleavage for the cytosine, the presence of 2M NaCl preferentially suppresses the reaction of thymine with hydrazine. Once the cleavage reaction has taken place each original strand is broken into a labelled fragment and an unlabelled fragment [7]. All the labelled fragments start at the 5 end of the strand and terminate at the base that precedes the site of a nucleotide along the original strand. Only the labelled fragmen ts are recorded on the gel electrophoresis. Dye-labelled terminators For many years DNA sequencing has been done by hand, which is both laborious and expensive[3]. Before automated sequencing, about 4 x 106 bases of DNA had been sequenced after the introduction of the Sangers method and Maxam Gilbert methods [11]. In both methods, four sets of reactions and a subsequent electrophoresis step in adjacent lanes of a high-resolution polyacrylamide gel. With the new automated sequencing procedures, four different fluorophores are used, one in each of the base-specific reactions. The reaction products are combined and co-electrophoresed, and the DNA fragments generated in each reaction are detected near the bottom of the gel and identified by their colour. As for choosing which DNA sequencing method to be used, Sangers Method was chosen. This is because Sangers method has been proven to be the most durable and efficient method of DNA sequencing and was the choice of most investigators in large scale sequencing [12]. Figure 10 shows a typical sequence is ge nerated using an automated sequencer. The selection of the dyes was the central development of automated DNA sequencing [11]. The fluorophores that were selected, had to meet several criteria. For instance the absorption and emission maxima had to be in the visible region of the spectrum [11] which is between 380 nm and 780 nm [10], each dye had to be easily distinguishable from one another [11]. Also the dyes should not impair the hybridisation of the oligonucleotide primer, as this would decrease the reliability of synthesis in the sequencing reactions. Figure 11 shows the structures of the dyes which are used in a typical automated sequencing procedure, where X is the moiety where the dye will be bound to. Table 1 shows which dye is covalently attached to which nucleotide in a typical automated DNA sequencing procedure Dye Nucleotide Attached Flourescein Adenosine NBD Thymine Tetramethylrhodamine Guanine Texas Red Cytosine In designing the instrumentation of the florescence detection apparatus, the primary consideration was sensitivity. As the concentration of each band on the co-electrophoresis gel is around 10 M, the instrument needs to be capable of detecting dye concentration of that order. This level of detection can readily be achieved by commercial spectrofluorimeter systems. Unfortunately detection from a gel leads to a much higher background scatter which in turn leads to a decrease in sensitivity. This is solved by using a laser excitation source in order to obtain maximum sensitivity [11]. Figure 12 is schematic diagram of the instrument with the explanation of the instrumentation employed. When analyzing data, Hood had found some complications [11]. Firstly the emission spectra of the different dyes overlapped, in order to overcome this, multicomponent analysis was employed to determine the different amounts of the four dyes present in the gel at any given time. Secondly, the different dye molecules impart non-identical electrophoretic mobilities to the DNA fragments. This meant that the oligonucleotides were not equal base lengths. The third major complication was in analyzing the data comes from the imperfections of the enzymatic methods, for instance there are often regions of the autoradiograph that are difficult to sequence. These complications were overcome in five steps [11] High frequency noise is removed by using a low-pass Fourier filter. A time delay (1.5-4.5 s) between measurements at different wavelength is partially corrected for by linear interpolation between successive measurements. A multicomponent analysis is performed on each set of four data points; this computation yields the amount of each of the four dyes present in the detector as a function of time. The peaks present in the data are located The mobility shift introduced by the dyes is corrected for using empirical determined correction factors. Since the publication of Hoods proposal of the fluorescence detection in automated DNA sequence analysis. Research has been made on focussed on developing which are better in terms of sensitivity [12]. Bacterial and Viral Genome Sequencing (Shotgun Sequencing) Prior to 1995, many viral genomes have been sequenced using Sangers chain termination technique [13], but no bacterial genome has been sequenced. The viral genomes that been sequenced are the 229 kb genome of cytomegalovirus [14], and the 192 kb genome of vaccinia [15], the 187 kb mitochondrial and 121 kb cholorophast genomes of Marchantia polymorpha have been sequenced [16]. Viral genome sequencing has been based upon the sequencing of clones usually derived from extensively mapped restriction fragments, or ? or cosmid clones [17]. Despite advances in DNA sequencing technology, the sequencing of genomes has not progressed beyond clones on the order of the size of the ~ 250kb, which is due to the lack of computational approaches that would enable the efficient assembly of a large number of fragments into an ordered single assembly [13][17]. Upon this, Venter and Smith in 1995 proposed Shotgun Sequencing and enabled Haemophilus influenzae (H. influenzae) to become the first bacterial genome to be sequenced [13][17]. H. influenzae was chosen as it has a similar base composition as a human does with 38 % of sequence made of G + C. Table 2 shows the procedure of the Shotgun Sequencing [17]. When constructing the library ultrasonic waves were used to randomly fragment the genomic DNA into fairly small pieces of about the size of a gene [13]. The fragments were purified and then attached to plasmid vectors[13][17]. The plasmid vectors were then inserted into an E. coli host cell to produce a library of plasmid clones. The E. coli host cell strains had no restriction enzymes which prevented any deletions, rearrangements and loss of the clones [17]. The fragments are randomly sequenced using automated sequencers (Dye-Labelled terminators), with the use of T7 and SP6 primers to sequence the ends of the inserts to enable the coverage of fragments by a factor of 6 [17]. Table 2 (Reference 17) Stage Description Random small insert and large insert library construction Shear genomic DNA randomly to ~2 kb and 15 to 20 kb respectively Library plating Verify random nature of library and maximize random selection of small insert and large insert clones for template production High-throughput DNA sequencing Sequence sufficient number of sequences fragments from both ends for 6x coverage Assembly Assemble random sequence fragments and identity repeat regions Gap Closure Physical gaps Order all contigs (fingerprints, peptide links, à », clones, PCR) and provide templates for closure Sequence gaps Complete the genome sequence by primer walking Editing Inspect the sequence visually and resolve sequence ambiguities, including frameshifts Annotation Identify and describe all predicted coding regions (putative identifications, starts and stops, role assignments, operons, regulatory regions) Once the sequencing reaction has been completed, the fragments need to be assembled, and this process is done by using the software TIGR Assembler (The Institute of Genomic Research) [17]. The TIGR Assembler simultaneously clusters and assembles fragments of the genome. In order to obtain the speed necessary to assemble more than 104 fragments [17], an algorithm is used to build up the table of all 10-bp oligonucleotide subsequences to generate a list of potential sequence fragment overlaps. The algorithm begins with the initial contig (single fragment); to extend the contig, a candidate fragment is based on the overlap oligonucleotide content. The initial contig and candidate fragment are aligned by a modified version of the Smith-Waterman [18] algorithm, which allows optional gapped alignments. The contig is extended by the fragment only if strict criteria of overlap content match. The algorithm automatically lowers these criteria in regions of minimal coverage and raises them in r egions with a possible repetitive element [17]. TIGR assembler is designed to take advantage of huge clone sizes [17]. It also enforces a constraint that sequence from two ends of the same template point toward one another in the contig and are located within a certain range of the base pair [17]. Therefore the TIGR assembler provides the computational power to assemble the fragments. Once the fragments have been aligned, the TIGR Editor is used to proofread the sequence and check for any ambiguities in the data [17]. With this technique it does required precautionary care, for instance the small insert in the library should be constructed and end-sequenced concurrently [17]. It is essential that the sequence fragments are of the highest quality and should be rigorously check for any contamination [17]. Pyrosequencing Most of the DNA sequencing required gel-electrophoresis, however in 1996 at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Ronaghi proposed Pyrosequencing [19][20]. This is an example of sequencing-by-synthesis, where DNA molecules are clonally amplified on a template, and this template then goes under sequencing [25]. This approach relies on the detection of DNA polymerase activity by enzymatic luminometric inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi) that is released during DNA synthesis and goes under detection assay and offers the advantage of real-time detection [19]. Ronaghi used Nyren [21] description of an enzymatic system consisting of DNA polymerase, ATP sulphurylase and lucifinerase to couple the release of PPi obtained when a nucleotide is incorporated by the polymerase with light emission that can be easily detected by a luminometer or photodiode [20]. When PPi is released, it is immediately converted to adenosine triphosphate (ATP) by ATP sulphurylase, and the level of generated ATP is sensed by luciferase-producing photons [19][20][21]. The unused ATP and deoxynucleotide are degraded by the enzyme apyrase. The presence or absence of PPi, and therefore the incorporation or nonincorporation of each nucleotide added, is ultimately assessed on the basis of whether or not the photons are detected. There is minimal time lapse between these events, and the conditions of the reaction are such that iterative addition of the nucleotides and PPi detection are possible. The release of PPi via the nucleotide incorporation, it is detected by ELIDA (Enzymatic Luminometric Inorganic pyrophosphate Detection Assay) [19][21]. It is within the ELIDA, the PPi is converted to ATP, with the help of ATP sulfurylase and the ATP reacts with the luciferin to generate the light at more than 6 x 109 photons at a wavelength of 560 nm which can be detected by a photodiode, photomultiplier tube, or charge-coupled device (CCD) camera [19][20]. As mentioned before, the DNA molecules need to be amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR which is discussed later Ronaghi observed that dATP interfered with the detection system [19]. This interference is a major problem when the method is used to detect a single-base incorporation event. This problem was rectified by replacing the dATP with dATPaS (deoxyadenosine aââ¬âthiotrisulphate). It is noticed that adding a small amount of the dATP (0.1 nmol) induces an instantaneous increase in the light emission followed by a slow decrease until it reached a steady-state level (as Figure 11 shows). This makes it impossible to start a sequencing reaction by adding dATP; the reaction must instead be started by addition of DNA polymerase. The signal-to-noise ratio also became higher for dATP compared to the other nucleotides. On the other hand, addition of 8 nmol dATPaS (80-fold higher than the amount of dATP) had only a minor effect on luciferase (as Figure 14 shows). However dATPaS is less than 0.05% as effective as dATP as a substrate for luciferase [19]. Pyrosequencing is adapted by 454 Life Sciences for sequencing by synthesis [22] and is known as the Genome Sequencer (GS) FLX [23][24]. The 454 system consist of random ssDNA (single-stranded) fragments, and each random fragment is bound to the bead under conditions that allow only one fragment to a bead [22]. Once the fragment is attached to the bead, clonal amplification occurs via emulsion. The emulsified beads are purified and placed in microfabricated picolitre wells and then goes under pyrosequencing. A lens array in the detection of the instrument focuses luminescene from each well onto the chip of a CCD camera. The CCD camera images the plate every second in order to detect progression of the pyrosequencing [20][22]. The pyrosequencing machine generates raw data in real time in form of bioluminescence generated from the reactions, and data is presented on a pyrogram [20] Sequencing by Hybridisation As discussed earlier with chain-termination, Maxamm and Gilbert and pyrosequencing, these are all direct methods of sequencing DNA, where each base position is determined individually [26]. There are also indirect methods of sequencing DNA in which the DNA sequence is assembled based on experimental determination of oligonucleotide content of the chain. One promising method of indirect DNA sequencing is called Sequencing by Hybridisation in which sets of oligonucleotide probes are hybridised under conditions that allow the detection of complementary sequences in the target nucleic acid [26]. Sequencing by Hybridisation (SBH) was proposed by Drmanac et al in 1987 [27] and is based on Dotys observation that when DNA is heated in solution, the double-strand melts to form single stranded chains, which then re-nature spontaneously when the solution is cooled [28]. This results the possibility of one piece of DNA recognize another. And hence lead to Drmanac proposal of oligonucleotides pro bes being hybridised under these conditions allowing the complementary sequence in the DNA target to be detected [26][27]. In SBH, an oligonucleotide probe (n-mer probe where n is the length of the probe) is a substring of a DNA sample. This process is similar to doing a keyword search in a page full of text [29]. The set of positively expressed probes is known as the spectrum of DNA sample. For example, the single strand DNA 5GGTCTCG 3 will be sequenced using 4-mer probes and 5 probes will hybridise onto the sequence successfully. The remaining probes will form hybrids with a mismatch at the end base and will be denatured during selective washing. The five probes that are of good match at the end base will result in fully matched hybrids, which will be retained and detected. Each positively expressed serves as a platform to decipher the next base as is seen in Figure 16. For the probes that have successfully hybridised onto the sequence need to be detected. This is achieved by labelling the probes with dyes such as Cyanine3 (Cy3) and Cyanine5 (Cy5) so that the degree of hybridisation can be detected by imaging devices [29]. SBH methods are ideally suited to microarray technology due to their inherent potential for parallel sample processing [29]. An important advantage of using of using a DNA array rather than a multiple probe array is that all the resulting probe-DNA hybrids in any single probe hybridisation are of identical sequence [29]. One of main type of DNA hybridisation array formats is oligonucleotide array which is currently patented by Affymetrix [30]. The commercial uses of this shall be discussed under application of the DNA Array (Affymetrix). Due to the small size of the hybridisation array and the small amount of the target present, it is a challenge to acquire the signals from a DNA Array [29]. These signals must first be amplified b efore they can be detected by the imaging devices. Signals can be boosted by the two means; namely target amplification and signal amplification. In target amplification such as PCR, the amount of target is increased to enhance signal strength while in signal amplification; the amount of signal per unit is increased. Nanopore Sequencing Nanopore sequencing was proposed in 1996 by Branton et al, and shows that individual polynucleotide molecules can be characterised using a membrane channel [31]. Nanopore sequencing is an example of single-molecule sequencing, in which the concept of sequencing-by-synthesis is followed, but without the prior amplification step [24]. This is achieved by the measurement of ionic conductance of a nucleotide passing through a single ion channels in biological membranes or planar lipid bilayer. The measurement of ionic conductance is routine neurobiology and biophysics [31], as well as pharmacology (Ca+ and K+ channel)[32] and biochemistry[9]. Most channels undergo voltage-dependant or ligand dependant gating, there are several large ion channels (i.e. Staphylococcus aureus a-hemolysin) which can remain open extended periods, thereby allowing continuous ionic current to flow across a lipid bilayer [31]. If a transmembrane voltage applied across an open channel of appropriate size should d raw DNA molecules through the channel as extended linear chains whose presence would detect reduce ionic flow. It was assumed, that the reduction in the ionic flow would lead to single channel recordings to characterise the length and hence lead to other characteristics of the polynucleotide. In the proposal by Branton, a-hemolysin was used to form a single channel across a lipid bilayer separating two buffer-filled compartment [31]. a-Hemolysin is a monomeric, 33kD, 293 residue protein that is secreted by the human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus [33]. The nanopore are produced when a-hemolysin subsunits are introduced into a buffered solution that separates lipid bilayer into two compartments (known as cis and trans): the head of t Advances in DNA Sequencing Technologies Advances in DNA Sequencing Technologies Abstract Recent advances in DNA sequencing technologies have led to efficient methods for determining the sequence of DNA. DNA sequencing was born in 1977 when Sanger et al proposed the chain termination method and Maxam and Gilbert proposed their own method in the same year. Sangers method was proven to be the most favourable out of the two. Since the birth of DNA sequencing, efficient DNA sequencing technologies was being produced, as Sangers method was laborious, time consuming and expensive; Hood et al proposed automated sequencers involving dye-labelled terminators. Due to the lack of available computational power prior to 1995, sequencing an entire bacterial genome was considered out of reach. This became a reality when Venter and Smith proposed shotgun sequencing in 1995. Pyrosequencing was introduced by Ronagi in 1996 and this method produce the sequence in real-time and is applied by 454 Life Sciences. An indirect method of sequencing DNA was proposed by Drmanac in 1987 called sequen cing by hybridisation and this method lead to the DNA array used by Affymetrix. Nanopore sequencing is a single-molecule sequencing technique and involves single-stranded DNA passing through lipid bilayer via an ion channel, and the ion conductance is measured. Synthetic Nanopores are being produced in order to substitute the lipid bilayer. Illumina sequencing is one of the latest sequencing technologies to be developed involving DNA clustering on flow cells and four dye-labelled terminators performing reverse termination. DNA sequencing has not only been applied to sequence DNA but applied to the real world. DNA sequencing has been involved in the Human genome project and DNA fingerprinting. Introduction Reliable DNA sequencing became a reality in 1977 when Frederick Sanger who perfected the chain termination method to sequence the genome of bacteriophage ?X174 [1][2]. Before Sangers proposal of the chain termination method, there was the plus and minus method, also presented by Sanger along with Coulson [2]. The plus and minus method depended on the use of DNA polymerase in transcribing the specific sequence DNA under controlled conditions. This method was considered efficient and simple, however it was not accurate [2]. As well as the proposal of the chain termination sequencing by Sanger, another method of DNA sequencing was introduced by Maxam and Gilbert involving restriction enzymes, which was also reported in 1977, the same year as Sangers method. The Maxamm and Gilbert method shall be discussed in more detail later on in this essay. Since the proposal of these two methods, spurred many DNA sequencing methods and as the technology developed, so did DNA sequencing. In this lite rature review, the various DNA sequencing technologies shall be looked into as well their applications in the real world and the tools that have aided sequencing DNA e.g. PCR. This review shall begin with the discussion of the chain termination method by Sanger. The Chain Termination Method Sanger discovered that the inhibitory activity of 23-didoxythymidine triphosphate (ddTTP) on the DNA polymerase I was dependent on its incorporation with the growing oligonucleotide chain in the place of thymidylic acid (dT) [2]. In the structure of ddT, there is no 3-hydroxyl group, by there is a hydrogen group in place. With the hydrogen in place of the hydroxyl group, the chain cannot be extended any further, so a termination occurs at the position where dT is positioned. Figure 1 shows the structure of dNTP and ddNTP. Sanger discovered that the inhibitory activity of 23-didoxythymidine triphosphate (ddTTP) on the DNA polymerase I was dependent on its incorporation with the growing oligonucleotide chain in the place of thymidylic acid (dT) [2]. In the structure of ddT, there is no 3-hydroxyl group, by there is a hydrogen group in place. With the hydrogen in place of the hydroxyl group, the chain cannot be extended any further, so a termination occurs at the position where dT is positioned. Figure 1 shows the structure of dNTP and ddNTP. In order to remove the 3-hydroxyl group and replace it with a proton, the triphosphate has to undergo a chemical procedure [1]. There is a different procedure employed for each of the triphosphate groups. Preparation of ddATP was produced from the starting material of 3-O-tosyl-2-deoxyadenosine which was treated with sodium methoxide in dimethylformamide to produce 2,3-dideoxy-2,3-didehydroadenosine, which is an unsaturated compound [4]. The double bond between carbon 2 and 3 of the cyclic ether was then hydrogenated with a palladium-on-carbon catalyst to give 2,3-dideoxyadenosine (ddA). The ddA (ddA) was then phosphorylated in order add the triphosphate group. Purification then took place on DEAE-Sephadex column using a gradient of triethylamine carbonate at pH 8.4. Figure 2 is schematic representation to produce ddA prior to phosphorylation. In the preparation of ddTTP (Figure 3), thymidine was tritylated (+C(Ph3)) at the 5-position and a methanesulphonyl (+CH3SO2) group was introduced at the 3-OH group[5]. The methanesulphonyl group was substituted with iodine by refluxing the compound in 1,2-dimethoxythane in the presence of NaI. After chromatography on a silica column the 5-trityl-3-iodothymidine was hydrogenated in 80% acetic acid to remove the trityl group. The resultant 3-iodothymidine was hydrogenated to produce 23-dideoxythymidine which subsequently was phosphorylated. Once phosphorylated, ddTTP was then purified on a DEAE-sephadex column with triethylammonium-hydrogen carbonate gradient. Figure 3 is a schematic representation to produce ddT prior phosphorylation. When preparing ddGTP, the starting material was N-isobutyryl-5-O-monomethoxytrityldepxyguanosine [1]. After the tosylation of the 3-OH group the compound was then converted to the 23-didehydro derivative with sodium methoxide. Then the isobutyryl group was partly removed during this treatment of sodium methoxide and was removed completely by incubation in the presence of NH3 overnight at 45oC. During the overnight incubation period, the didehydro derivative was reduced to the dideoxy derivative and then converted to the triphosphate. The triphosphate was purified by the fractionation on a DEAE-Sephadex column using a triethylamine carbonate gradient. Figure 4 is a schematic representation to produce ddG prior phosphorylation. Preparing the ddCTP was similar to ddGTP, but was prepared from N-anisoyl-5-O-monomethoxytrityldeoxycytidine. However the purification process was omitted for ddCTP, as it produced a very low yield, therefore the solution was used directly in the experiment described in the paper [2]. Figure 5 is a schematic representation to produce ddC prior phosphorylation. With the four dideoxy samples now prepared, the sequencing procedure can now commence. The dideoxy samples are in separate tubes, along with restriction enzymes obtained from ?X174 replicative form and the four dNTPs [2]. The restriction enzymes and the dNTPs begin strand synthesis and the ddNTP is incorporated to the growing polynucleotide and terminates further strand synthesis. This is due to the lack of the hydroxyl group at the 3 position of ddNTP which prevents the next nucleotide to attach onto the strand. The four tubes are separate by gel-electrophoresis on acrylamide gels (see Gel-Electrophoresis). Figure 6 shows the sequencing procedure. Reading the sequence is straightforward [1]. The first band that moved the furthest is located, this represents the smallest piece of DNA and is the strand terminated by incorporation of the dideoxynucleotide at the first position in the template. The track in which this band occurs is noted. For example (shown in Figure 6), the band that moved the furthest is in track A, so the first nucleotide in the sequence is A. To find out what the next nucleotide, the next most mobile band corresponding to DNA molecule which is one nucleotide longer than the first, and in this example, the band is on track T. Therefore the second nucleotide is T, and the overall sequence so far is AT. The processed is carried on along the autoradiograph until the individual bands start to close in and become inseparable, therefore becoming hard to read. In general it is possible to read upto 400 nucleotides from one autoradiograph with this method. Figure 7 is a schematic representation of an autoradiograph. E ver since Sanger perfected the method of DNA sequencing, there have been advances methods of sequencing along with the achievements. Certain achievements such as the Human genome project and shall be discussed later on in this review. Gel-Electrophoresis Gel-Electrophoresis is defined as the movement of charged molecules in an electric field [1][8]. DNA molecules, like many other biological compounds carry an electric charge. With the case of DNA, this charge is negative. Therefore when DNA is placed in an electric field, they migrate towards the positive pole (as shown in figure 8). There are three factors which affect the rate of migration, which are shape, electrical charge and size. The polyacrylamide gel comprises a complex network of pores through which the molecules must travel to reach the anode. Maxam and Gilbert Method The Maxam and Gilbert method was proposed before Sanger Method in the same year. While the Sangers method involves enzymatic radiolabelled fragments from unlabelled DNA strands [2]. The Maxam-Gilbert method involves chemical cleavage of prelabelled DNA strands in four different ways to form the four different collections of labelled fragments [6][7]. Both methods use gel-electrophoresis to separate the DNA target molecules [8]. However Sangers Chain Termination method has been proven to be simpler and easier to use than the Maxam and Gilbert method [9]. As a matter of fact, looking through the literature text books, Sangers method of DNA sequencing have been explained rather than Maxam and Gilberts [1][3][9][10]. With Maxam and Gilberts method there are two chemical cleavage reactions that take place [6][7]. One of the chemical reaction take places with guanine and the adenine, which are the two purines and the other cleaves the DNA at the cytosine and thymin e, the pyrimidines. For the cleavage reaction, specific reagents are used for each of the reaction. The purine specific reagent is dimethyl sulphate and the pyrimidine specific reagent is hydrazine. Each of these reactions are done in a different way, as each of the four bases have different chemical properties. The cleavage reaction for the guanine/adenine involves using dimethyl sulphate to add a methyl group to the guanines at the N7 position and at the N3 position at the adenines [7]. The glycosidic bond of a methylated adenines is unstable and breaks easily on heating at neutral pH, leaving the sugar free. Treatment with 0.1M alkali at 90oC then will cleave the sugar from the neighbouring phosphate groups. When the resulting end-labelled fragments are resolved on a polyacrylamide gel, the autoradiograph contains a pattern a dark and light bands. The dark bands arise from the breakage at the guanines, which methylate at a rate which is 5-fold faster than adenines. From this reac tion the guanine appear stronger than the adenosine, this can lead to a misinterpretation. Therefore an Adenine-Enhanced cleavage reaction takes place. Figure 9 shows the structural changes of guanine when undergoing the structural modifications involved in Maxam-Gilbert sequencing. With an Adenine-Enhanced cleavage, the glycosidic bond of methylated adenosine is less stable than that of methylated guanosine, thus gentle treatment with dilute acid at the methylation step releases the adenine, allowing darker bands to appear on the autoradiograph [7]. The chemical cleavage for the cytosine and thymine residues involves hydrazine instead of dimethyl sulphate. The hydrazine cleaves the base and leaving ribosylurea [7]. After partial hydrazinolysis in 15-18M aqueous hydrazine at 20oC, the DNA is cleaved with 0.5M piperidine. The piperidine (a cyclic secondary amine), as the free base, displaces all the products of the hydrazine reaction from the sugars and catalyzses the b-elimination of the phosphates. The final pattern contains bands of the similar intensity from the cleavages at the cytosines and thymines. As for cleavage for the cytosine, the presence of 2M NaCl preferentially suppresses the reaction of thymine with hydrazine. Once the cleavage reaction has taken place each original strand is broken into a labelled fragment and an unlabelled fragment [7]. All the labelled fragments start at the 5 end of the strand and terminate at the base that precedes the site of a nucleotide along the original strand. Only the labelled fragmen ts are recorded on the gel electrophoresis. Dye-labelled terminators For many years DNA sequencing has been done by hand, which is both laborious and expensive[3]. Before automated sequencing, about 4 x 106 bases of DNA had been sequenced after the introduction of the Sangers method and Maxam Gilbert methods [11]. In both methods, four sets of reactions and a subsequent electrophoresis step in adjacent lanes of a high-resolution polyacrylamide gel. With the new automated sequencing procedures, four different fluorophores are used, one in each of the base-specific reactions. The reaction products are combined and co-electrophoresed, and the DNA fragments generated in each reaction are detected near the bottom of the gel and identified by their colour. As for choosing which DNA sequencing method to be used, Sangers Method was chosen. This is because Sangers method has been proven to be the most durable and efficient method of DNA sequencing and was the choice of most investigators in large scale sequencing [12]. Figure 10 shows a typical sequence is ge nerated using an automated sequencer. The selection of the dyes was the central development of automated DNA sequencing [11]. The fluorophores that were selected, had to meet several criteria. For instance the absorption and emission maxima had to be in the visible region of the spectrum [11] which is between 380 nm and 780 nm [10], each dye had to be easily distinguishable from one another [11]. Also the dyes should not impair the hybridisation of the oligonucleotide primer, as this would decrease the reliability of synthesis in the sequencing reactions. Figure 11 shows the structures of the dyes which are used in a typical automated sequencing procedure, where X is the moiety where the dye will be bound to. Table 1 shows which dye is covalently attached to which nucleotide in a typical automated DNA sequencing procedure Dye Nucleotide Attached Flourescein Adenosine NBD Thymine Tetramethylrhodamine Guanine Texas Red Cytosine In designing the instrumentation of the florescence detection apparatus, the primary consideration was sensitivity. As the concentration of each band on the co-electrophoresis gel is around 10 M, the instrument needs to be capable of detecting dye concentration of that order. This level of detection can readily be achieved by commercial spectrofluorimeter systems. Unfortunately detection from a gel leads to a much higher background scatter which in turn leads to a decrease in sensitivity. This is solved by using a laser excitation source in order to obtain maximum sensitivity [11]. Figure 12 is schematic diagram of the instrument with the explanation of the instrumentation employed. When analyzing data, Hood had found some complications [11]. Firstly the emission spectra of the different dyes overlapped, in order to overcome this, multicomponent analysis was employed to determine the different amounts of the four dyes present in the gel at any given time. Secondly, the different dye molecules impart non-identical electrophoretic mobilities to the DNA fragments. This meant that the oligonucleotides were not equal base lengths. The third major complication was in analyzing the data comes from the imperfections of the enzymatic methods, for instance there are often regions of the autoradiograph that are difficult to sequence. These complications were overcome in five steps [11] High frequency noise is removed by using a low-pass Fourier filter. A time delay (1.5-4.5 s) between measurements at different wavelength is partially corrected for by linear interpolation between successive measurements. A multicomponent analysis is performed on each set of four data points; this computation yields the amount of each of the four dyes present in the detector as a function of time. The peaks present in the data are located The mobility shift introduced by the dyes is corrected for using empirical determined correction factors. Since the publication of Hoods proposal of the fluorescence detection in automated DNA sequence analysis. Research has been made on focussed on developing which are better in terms of sensitivity [12]. Bacterial and Viral Genome Sequencing (Shotgun Sequencing) Prior to 1995, many viral genomes have been sequenced using Sangers chain termination technique [13], but no bacterial genome has been sequenced. The viral genomes that been sequenced are the 229 kb genome of cytomegalovirus [14], and the 192 kb genome of vaccinia [15], the 187 kb mitochondrial and 121 kb cholorophast genomes of Marchantia polymorpha have been sequenced [16]. Viral genome sequencing has been based upon the sequencing of clones usually derived from extensively mapped restriction fragments, or ? or cosmid clones [17]. Despite advances in DNA sequencing technology, the sequencing of genomes has not progressed beyond clones on the order of the size of the ~ 250kb, which is due to the lack of computational approaches that would enable the efficient assembly of a large number of fragments into an ordered single assembly [13][17]. Upon this, Venter and Smith in 1995 proposed Shotgun Sequencing and enabled Haemophilus influenzae (H. influenzae) to become the first bacterial genome to be sequenced [13][17]. H. influenzae was chosen as it has a similar base composition as a human does with 38 % of sequence made of G + C. Table 2 shows the procedure of the Shotgun Sequencing [17]. When constructing the library ultrasonic waves were used to randomly fragment the genomic DNA into fairly small pieces of about the size of a gene [13]. The fragments were purified and then attached to plasmid vectors[13][17]. The plasmid vectors were then inserted into an E. coli host cell to produce a library of plasmid clones. The E. coli host cell strains had no restriction enzymes which prevented any deletions, rearrangements and loss of the clones [17]. The fragments are randomly sequenced using automated sequencers (Dye-Labelled terminators), with the use of T7 and SP6 primers to sequence the ends of the inserts to enable the coverage of fragments by a factor of 6 [17]. Table 2 (Reference 17) Stage Description Random small insert and large insert library construction Shear genomic DNA randomly to ~2 kb and 15 to 20 kb respectively Library plating Verify random nature of library and maximize random selection of small insert and large insert clones for template production High-throughput DNA sequencing Sequence sufficient number of sequences fragments from both ends for 6x coverage Assembly Assemble random sequence fragments and identity repeat regions Gap Closure Physical gaps Order all contigs (fingerprints, peptide links, à », clones, PCR) and provide templates for closure Sequence gaps Complete the genome sequence by primer walking Editing Inspect the sequence visually and resolve sequence ambiguities, including frameshifts Annotation Identify and describe all predicted coding regions (putative identifications, starts and stops, role assignments, operons, regulatory regions) Once the sequencing reaction has been completed, the fragments need to be assembled, and this process is done by using the software TIGR Assembler (The Institute of Genomic Research) [17]. The TIGR Assembler simultaneously clusters and assembles fragments of the genome. In order to obtain the speed necessary to assemble more than 104 fragments [17], an algorithm is used to build up the table of all 10-bp oligonucleotide subsequences to generate a list of potential sequence fragment overlaps. The algorithm begins with the initial contig (single fragment); to extend the contig, a candidate fragment is based on the overlap oligonucleotide content. The initial contig and candidate fragment are aligned by a modified version of the Smith-Waterman [18] algorithm, which allows optional gapped alignments. The contig is extended by the fragment only if strict criteria of overlap content match. The algorithm automatically lowers these criteria in regions of minimal coverage and raises them in r egions with a possible repetitive element [17]. TIGR assembler is designed to take advantage of huge clone sizes [17]. It also enforces a constraint that sequence from two ends of the same template point toward one another in the contig and are located within a certain range of the base pair [17]. Therefore the TIGR assembler provides the computational power to assemble the fragments. Once the fragments have been aligned, the TIGR Editor is used to proofread the sequence and check for any ambiguities in the data [17]. With this technique it does required precautionary care, for instance the small insert in the library should be constructed and end-sequenced concurrently [17]. It is essential that the sequence fragments are of the highest quality and should be rigorously check for any contamination [17]. Pyrosequencing Most of the DNA sequencing required gel-electrophoresis, however in 1996 at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Ronaghi proposed Pyrosequencing [19][20]. This is an example of sequencing-by-synthesis, where DNA molecules are clonally amplified on a template, and this template then goes under sequencing [25]. This approach relies on the detection of DNA polymerase activity by enzymatic luminometric inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi) that is released during DNA synthesis and goes under detection assay and offers the advantage of real-time detection [19]. Ronaghi used Nyren [21] description of an enzymatic system consisting of DNA polymerase, ATP sulphurylase and lucifinerase to couple the release of PPi obtained when a nucleotide is incorporated by the polymerase with light emission that can be easily detected by a luminometer or photodiode [20]. When PPi is released, it is immediately converted to adenosine triphosphate (ATP) by ATP sulphurylase, and the level of generated ATP is sensed by luciferase-producing photons [19][20][21]. The unused ATP and deoxynucleotide are degraded by the enzyme apyrase. The presence or absence of PPi, and therefore the incorporation or nonincorporation of each nucleotide added, is ultimately assessed on the basis of whether or not the photons are detected. There is minimal time lapse between these events, and the conditions of the reaction are such that iterative addition of the nucleotides and PPi detection are possible. The release of PPi via the nucleotide incorporation, it is detected by ELIDA (Enzymatic Luminometric Inorganic pyrophosphate Detection Assay) [19][21]. It is within the ELIDA, the PPi is converted to ATP, with the help of ATP sulfurylase and the ATP reacts with the luciferin to generate the light at more than 6 x 109 photons at a wavelength of 560 nm which can be detected by a photodiode, photomultiplier tube, or charge-coupled device (CCD) camera [19][20]. As mentioned before, the DNA molecules need to be amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR which is discussed later Ronaghi observed that dATP interfered with the detection system [19]. This interference is a major problem when the method is used to detect a single-base incorporation event. This problem was rectified by replacing the dATP with dATPaS (deoxyadenosine aââ¬âthiotrisulphate). It is noticed that adding a small amount of the dATP (0.1 nmol) induces an instantaneous increase in the light emission followed by a slow decrease until it reached a steady-state level (as Figure 11 shows). This makes it impossible to start a sequencing reaction by adding dATP; the reaction must instead be started by addition of DNA polymerase. The signal-to-noise ratio also became higher for dATP compared to the other nucleotides. On the other hand, addition of 8 nmol dATPaS (80-fold higher than the amount of dATP) had only a minor effect on luciferase (as Figure 14 shows). However dATPaS is less than 0.05% as effective as dATP as a substrate for luciferase [19]. Pyrosequencing is adapted by 454 Life Sciences for sequencing by synthesis [22] and is known as the Genome Sequencer (GS) FLX [23][24]. The 454 system consist of random ssDNA (single-stranded) fragments, and each random fragment is bound to the bead under conditions that allow only one fragment to a bead [22]. Once the fragment is attached to the bead, clonal amplification occurs via emulsion. The emulsified beads are purified and placed in microfabricated picolitre wells and then goes under pyrosequencing. A lens array in the detection of the instrument focuses luminescene from each well onto the chip of a CCD camera. The CCD camera images the plate every second in order to detect progression of the pyrosequencing [20][22]. The pyrosequencing machine generates raw data in real time in form of bioluminescence generated from the reactions, and data is presented on a pyrogram [20] Sequencing by Hybridisation As discussed earlier with chain-termination, Maxamm and Gilbert and pyrosequencing, these are all direct methods of sequencing DNA, where each base position is determined individually [26]. There are also indirect methods of sequencing DNA in which the DNA sequence is assembled based on experimental determination of oligonucleotide content of the chain. One promising method of indirect DNA sequencing is called Sequencing by Hybridisation in which sets of oligonucleotide probes are hybridised under conditions that allow the detection of complementary sequences in the target nucleic acid [26]. Sequencing by Hybridisation (SBH) was proposed by Drmanac et al in 1987 [27] and is based on Dotys observation that when DNA is heated in solution, the double-strand melts to form single stranded chains, which then re-nature spontaneously when the solution is cooled [28]. This results the possibility of one piece of DNA recognize another. And hence lead to Drmanac proposal of oligonucleotides pro bes being hybridised under these conditions allowing the complementary sequence in the DNA target to be detected [26][27]. In SBH, an oligonucleotide probe (n-mer probe where n is the length of the probe) is a substring of a DNA sample. This process is similar to doing a keyword search in a page full of text [29]. The set of positively expressed probes is known as the spectrum of DNA sample. For example, the single strand DNA 5GGTCTCG 3 will be sequenced using 4-mer probes and 5 probes will hybridise onto the sequence successfully. The remaining probes will form hybrids with a mismatch at the end base and will be denatured during selective washing. The five probes that are of good match at the end base will result in fully matched hybrids, which will be retained and detected. Each positively expressed serves as a platform to decipher the next base as is seen in Figure 16. For the probes that have successfully hybridised onto the sequence need to be detected. This is achieved by labelling the probes with dyes such as Cyanine3 (Cy3) and Cyanine5 (Cy5) so that the degree of hybridisation can be detected by imaging devices [29]. SBH methods are ideally suited to microarray technology due to their inherent potential for parallel sample processing [29]. An important advantage of using of using a DNA array rather than a multiple probe array is that all the resulting probe-DNA hybrids in any single probe hybridisation are of identical sequence [29]. One of main type of DNA hybridisation array formats is oligonucleotide array which is currently patented by Affymetrix [30]. The commercial uses of this shall be discussed under application of the DNA Array (Affymetrix). Due to the small size of the hybridisation array and the small amount of the target present, it is a challenge to acquire the signals from a DNA Array [29]. These signals must first be amplified b efore they can be detected by the imaging devices. Signals can be boosted by the two means; namely target amplification and signal amplification. In target amplification such as PCR, the amount of target is increased to enhance signal strength while in signal amplification; the amount of signal per unit is increased. Nanopore Sequencing Nanopore sequencing was proposed in 1996 by Branton et al, and shows that individual polynucleotide molecules can be characterised using a membrane channel [31]. Nanopore sequencing is an example of single-molecule sequencing, in which the concept of sequencing-by-synthesis is followed, but without the prior amplification step [24]. This is achieved by the measurement of ionic conductance of a nucleotide passing through a single ion channels in biological membranes or planar lipid bilayer. The measurement of ionic conductance is routine neurobiology and biophysics [31], as well as pharmacology (Ca+ and K+ channel)[32] and biochemistry[9]. Most channels undergo voltage-dependant or ligand dependant gating, there are several large ion channels (i.e. Staphylococcus aureus a-hemolysin) which can remain open extended periods, thereby allowing continuous ionic current to flow across a lipid bilayer [31]. If a transmembrane voltage applied across an open channel of appropriate size should d raw DNA molecules through the channel as extended linear chains whose presence would detect reduce ionic flow. It was assumed, that the reduction in the ionic flow would lead to single channel recordings to characterise the length and hence lead to other characteristics of the polynucleotide. In the proposal by Branton, a-hemolysin was used to form a single channel across a lipid bilayer separating two buffer-filled compartment [31]. a-Hemolysin is a monomeric, 33kD, 293 residue protein that is secreted by the human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus [33]. The nanopore are produced when a-hemolysin subsunits are introduced into a buffered solution that separates lipid bilayer into two compartments (known as cis and trans): the head of t
Monday, January 20, 2020
The Choice to Marry :: Essays Papers
The Choice to Marry John Stuart Mill, an ardent and foundational liberal theorist, aims for apparently thorough womenââ¬â¢s liberation through freedom and equality. To the extent that he succeeds and fails, it is largely because of his liberal understanding of humans as partially constituted by their social situation and yet partially autonomous sources of reason. Mill, following Wollstonecraft, argues that women have been systematically undereducated and neglected by society, thus channeled into a marginalized status. This condition is then used as evidence of the inferiority of women in justification and reinforcement of the very structures that constitute women (Mill 23). For this problem, Mill offers a solution of institutional change that alters the mindsets of individuals in society, and structurally transforms the laws and norms that marginalize women. Millââ¬â¢s basic goal is for women to gain formal equality, from which substance will follow. He also calls for liberty, partly as an extension of equality and partly as ability for a woman to define and determine herself (in ways, he later clarifies, that ââ¬Å"mankind be â⬠¦ better offâ⬠(Mill 85)). Therefore, just as men, with whom women ought to be made equal, can decide what career they would pursue, so too should women be allowed to select if they become a chemist, shopkeeper, or wife. However, in the case that a woman chooses to be married, she should take on domestic duties, as he suggests this is what it means to become married. She may still keep whatever extraneous pursuits she chooses, so long as they do not conflict with her domestic duties. In this step, Mill retreats from ââ¬Å"professionâ⬠as an entirely determined term, to one with some allowance for variations on the theme, wherein ââ¬Å"freely chosenâ⬠side activities can be added to the married womanââ¬â¢s role. For Okin, Millââ¬â¢s premise of liberal feminism may be acceptable, but his neglect for the economic and daily realities of domestic duties discredits his conclusions. Economically, Okin accepts Millââ¬â¢s advocacy of independent property for husband and wife, but complains that this formal equality of parallel property entitlements forgets that women in domestic roles will not create the property men do, because their work is unpaid (Okin 228-299). Millââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"assumption of the immutability of the family structureâ⬠(Okin 228) also reinforces the conditions which initially gave rise to womenââ¬â¢s distortion into the beings who men consider inferior and more simply forces upon women the drudgery of homemaking.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Work for something
ââ¬Å"Hannah Paramour, on keeping Strengths from Running Amok ââ¬Å"The New York Time Business Day Bryant starts the article by introducing Hannah Paramour , which is the present of Paramour , the digital Agency . The article then goes in to a series of question asked by Bryant to Paramour, the first question asked was where you In leadership roles when you were younger . Paramour answered the question by saying that if you asked her mother or teacher in high school she would know as being a rebel , but always in charge and that everyone in her family is always willing to take on unreasonable mount of responsibility.Bryant then followed that question up with asking what Paramour study in college at that time she told him she was a classical- piano major because she had studied the Plano her whole life and that she found out in college that while practicing one thing for three hours a day eight hours a day was something new and was a whole other thing. Paramour felt that it didn't f it her personality and that she had a certain level of skill but it wasn't what she really wanted to do and she was going to have to figure how to make money so she never graduated and went right to work.Bryant then asked what work she did and was told that she had terrible Jobs for the longest time and they all were Just at an entry- level. Paramour said that when she started working for a life Insurance estate- planning she started to get promoted very fast but still wasn't happy and was getting the work done but aggressive and there was a lot of passive-aggressive going on, and that it felt weird because she kept getting promoted. Paramour says that once dot- comes came along she got an opportunity with a startup cityscapes. Mom and that it was exciting and new and got to try new things. Paramour also says that she learned a lot about transparency and getting people aligned behind a goal and letting them know what's going on In the organization. At that time she decided to start her own business and that she didn't have a great business plan but decided being on her own was safer and that she learned she didn't want to be with any company that want going to deliver what they said they would.Bryant then asked what Paramour has learned about culture as her company has grown she answered saying by asking have you heard the theory that weakness is a strength taken too far. Then said the best examples would be that they allowed dog In the office and at one point they had nine dogs In the office and at one point she Just had clarity no more dogs. She says you do the little things to build culture in a company but you have to be k with saying something may have went too far.Bryant then goes on asking about the hiring, interview process and is Paramour could interview somebody in five minutes what she would asked she answer by saying she's not the best interviewer because she is very optimistic and she tend to project herself on other to try and sell them. But she always goes through the core values and explain how they were written and responsibility.Paramour then goes on to say if she could interview someone for only five minutes she would ask ââ¬Å"how old where you when you got your first Job ââ¬Å"the reason she says she would ask this is because she would rather have someone that ad to work all throughout college then someone who got scholarship and right to MBA program then she would ask why they left their old Job Just to see if they told the truth. The last question asked by Bryant was what advice would you give to allege student the answer was get a Job, get started because most people don't know what their passion is Just starting out.Paramour ended with that she had ability to see trends and that she was fast at solving problems and that if it wasn't right they would fix it but it would be fast. After reading this article I can relate to some of what Paramour is saying , with the whole going to college and realizing what you had plan would change I new for me it would be a little harder with going to school working full time and having two small children and everything that they are involved in.I would of never in a million years think I would change what I was studying until I started to work in the medical field and realized that's it not what I wanted to do the rest of my life so I switched to something I knew I enjoyed doing when I worked for a big retail company and that was getting to know the business and human resource of the company. I also like how the culture was built with the company do think it's a little crazy to have dogs in an office let alone nine of them I could see where this could go wrong and could cause a bad work environment.I also had to do interviews when worked for target UT there was a guild line that we had to go by and I don't think it allowed us to get clear picture of the employee seeking work and I think being direct and straight forward would give you and the employee to h ave a chance to be honesty with one another and me personal I would rather have an honesty employee over someone that is Just going to tell me what I want to hear.I like the fact that Bryant asked if you only have five minutes what question would you ask in an interview and that Paramour said she would ask how hold the person was when the got there first Job, cause to me it shows a level of determination and responsibility and a lot about a person and that they have goals set for their self and everything wasn't handed to them.I do agree with the advice Paramour gives at the end of the article and that was to get a Job and get started, because I can say when I was 18-19 1 thought I know what I wanted to do in life but have problem changes my mind about 100 times before I really knew what it was that I wanted to do and what goals to have set for myself.Even to this day I have goals that I have not meet that I have set for myself but that isn't mean I'm not still working towards them or that I don't think I can do it also the harder you have to work for something the better work you will do and the more you appreciate things more in life and the better you will be at seeing your full potently and reaching your goal out of life. After reading this article/ interview I was able to take away that its k to change your mind and to make decision based on what's going to make you happy and to make goals and to Just go for it because you never know what the outcome could be.Also that as long as you can make a decision even if it was wrong as long as you made it fast and could fix it that it wasn't a big because it shows that things change in life and as long as you can either go with it or adapt to the change and then realize what's best for you in the long run then go with it cause the outcome could be so rewarding in the end or even be a better one. I feel as this article relates to this class because it talks about her leadership, the culture she built into the compa ny as well as her hiring technique as a manager as well what are some of e important question to ask in an interview .
Friday, January 3, 2020
Religion A Way Of Life - 946 Words
Religion: A Way of Life Religion is something weird to the general public however that was not the case during the fall of Rome and the rise of the Byzantine Empire. During that era religion was one of the few things that tied people together. Without religion the only thing keeping the people of Rome together was the government. Since Alexander the Greatââ¬â¢s empire leading to the Byzantine Empire led to a mix of many culture and religions for the very first time. Greece and Rome believed in a set of Gods but the lands they conquered did not. The Eastern Roman Empire showed how one unique religion such as Christianity brought people of many different back grounds together. The fall of the Western Roman Empire led the people to people depending on Christianity. The text Arius, Letter to Alexander, Bishop of Alexandria and The Nicene Creed showed the public matter of Christianity. On the other hand the excerpt Augustine of Hippo, Confessions and The Life of St. Theodore o f Sykeon addresses the personal effect of Christianity, the private affairs. The point is that is that over the course of about 300 years Christianity has united the fallen people of Rome onto the Byzantine Empire, the transition from the private life to the public use of Christianity. Christianity when it first started to spread was debatable. People were capable of holding their own opinion of Christianity enabling them to refute the church. This was a private aspect of Christianity thatShow MoreRelatedReligion Is A Way Of Life Essay2254 Words à |à 10 PagesTo a lame man ââ¬Å"religion is a way of lifeâ⬠while to some ââ¬Å"itââ¬â¢s a bold question that cannot be answeredâ⬠but the oxford dictionary defines religion ââ¬Å"as the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or godâ⬠. Religion to man has been known to be a great factor in the life of every individual. Irrespective of what religion you choose to practic e, the behaviour bindings of any religion is known to affect the lifestyle of its participants. In most cases the normsRead MoreReligion Is A Spiritual Way Of Life1266 Words à |à 6 PagesReligion is a spiritual way of life that tells you how to act in this life and ultimately affects life after death. It is something that is completely faith-based because there is no way to prove whether or not it is real. It doesnââ¬â¢t matter what religion you choose to follow; it is imperative to have an understanding of other religions of the world. The knowledge of other religions gives you the understanding needed to not be afraid of the unknown. A great example of this is after 9-11, our countryRead MoreHinduism : A Very Interesting Religion And Way Of Life1487 Words à |à 6 Pagesindeed a very interesting religion and way of life. Majority of people that follow Hinduism can be located in India and Nepal, where 80% regard themselves as Hindu. It is the worldââ¬â¢s oldest religion b eing traced back to thousands of years ago. Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world, following Christianity and Islam, with 15% or about 900 million people following it globally. The word hinduism means ââ¬Å"eternal spirit pathâ⬠, where many come and hope that this religion will lead them to peaceRead MoreJudaism, Religion, Philosophy, Culture And Way Of Life Of The Jewish People1255 Words à |à 6 PagesJudaism is one of the worldââ¬â¢s oldest religions founded 3500 years ago in the Middle East and remains an important faith today. Judaism encompasses the religion, philosophy, culture and way of life of the Jewish people. The history of the Jewish people begins with Abraham. Abraham was the first to forsake polytheism and idol worshipping for the belief in one God. Abraham descendants lived in peace until a new Pharaoh in Egypt felt threatened by the Jews so he made them slaves. It is said thatRead MoreModernity Is A Normal Part Of Daily Life That Has Ma de Its Way Into Religion1486 Words à |à 6 PagesModernity is a normal part of daily life that has made its way into religion. Modernity, disenchantment, and secularization, not only all intertwine and play a role in todayââ¬â¢s changing society, but the first one acts as cause for the other two, through ideas such as the Secularization Thesis and secularism arising as part of the disenchanted world. Before explaining how, it is important to first discuss what modernity is. Michael Saler describes it as: ââ¬Å"a mixture of political, social, intellectualRead MoreReligion Between Social And Cultural Phenomena1249 Words à |à 5 PagesReligion maintains several different definitions. Each individual will hold what they believe to be the ââ¬Å"correctâ⬠or ââ¬Å"mostly correctâ⬠definition. For this reason, I will argue that religion is anything that an individual can identify with and that produces a particular way of life. I will also establish that there are very few points that differentiates religion between social and cultural phenomena, this will be done by first setting the foundation of what a religion must contain, In orderRead More Functionality of Religion: Emil Durkheimââ¬â¢s Elementary Forms of Religious Life1529 Words à |à 7 PagesForms of Religious Life presents religion as a social phenomenon. Based on this idea, this essay will examine the role of religion and its influence on society. Durkheim defined religion as ââ¬Å"a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things, that is to say, things set apart and forbidden -- beliefs and practices which unite into one single moral community called a Church, all those who adhere to them.â⬠1 Hence Durkheimââ¬â¢s emphasis is on the function of religion as a unifier of individualsRead MoreKarl Marx and Emile Durkeim on Religion1280 Words à |à 5 PagesThrough looking at Karl Marxââ¬â¢s application of religion as well as Emile Durkheimââ¬â¢s concepts of religion, it is shown that religion is an ideology that is seen throughout modern society. Although there are many different views surrounding religion, my main objective in this essay is to assess Marxââ¬â¢s claim that Religion is an ideology by focusing primarily on Marx and Durkheimââ¬â¢s views on religion. In order to establish religion as an ideology, we must start by looking at what makes something an ideologyRead MoreClifford Geertz s Definition Of Religion807 Words à |à 4 PagesGeertzââ¬â¢s definition of religion is an accurate reflection of the basic tenet of religion. Geertz argues that religion is based solely on the concepts of symbols and the impacts that symbols have on the practitioners of the religion. Geertz demonstrates that symbols give a meaning to life. The symbols give practitioners something to hold onto at all times. Geertzââ¬â¢s definition of symbols and their impacts fits the use of symbols in many religious practices including the religions of the Huichol IndiansRead MoreThe Religion Of Islam And Islam1544 Words à |à 7 Pagesbecause each religion competes demonstrating that their practices a re the true path to God. Religious tolerance is very important because followers should be free to choose their own religion. Some religions are tolerant of other religious groups, however, there are always disagreements because some religions use rituals of physical abuse that does not seem to correct to others. The honor killing in Islam, for example, causes hysteria and anger to other cultures. Over time, the view of religion is changing
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